Dear users and forum members, When solving projects consisting of blocks separated by dilatation using ideCAD Static 6.01 Beta1, you should pay attention to the following points. 1) The analysis of such projects is not complete. Dynamic analysis, response spectrum, linear and nonlinear analyzes are the same or different, whether the R coefficients are the same or different, you can model the structure you modeled in the same project with sap2000 or etabs and see that the modes, frequencies and response spectrum results are the same. 2) Dynamic analysis and response spectrum You cannot enter different spectrum curves for blocks in sap2000 or Etabs calculations.You can define one spectrum curve while calculating with these programs.So, according to our regulation, you have to use a common R coefficient when modeling blocks with different R coefficients in the same project with these programs. 3) I can't enter different R coefficients for different blocks Since you cannot define a separate spectrum curve for each separate block, you can use the KatFs calculated as a result of the Modal analysis. These options are available in the program. Whether you use Modal floor Fs as ordered by earthquake regulations and other domestic programs, or you use Direct response spectrum results. This second option is not available in other domestic programs. 4) If blocks with different R coefficients and alphas calculated are in the same project, their CatFs are not calculated correctly. 5) In these structures, if the storey Fs calculated by the program in a separate solution are entered into the project, which is solved together by the user, these structures can be modeled jointly. Thank you very much İsmail Hakkı Besler for your participation and sharing Please do not enter any other messages that may create polemic, this is not the place for polemics. If you think your message is not polemic, of course, you can enter a message. You can even continue to polemic. This will be your choice.