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I can fix the errors related to the beams, there is no problem with them. My main problem is with the columns.
As the beam misalignment moves away from the middle of the column, beam-shear safety problem may arise in that element. For example, let's examine the 2nd floor S08 column. K774 beam is connected from the top of the column and that beam is a beam of 25... Its distance to the column edge is 25/2=12.5 cm. If the width of this beam was 45 cm, this column would not be a problem. It does not make any special sense in terms of shear safety. The important thing is to take precautions against the problematic K774 beam. Either you will need to enlarge the column in the direction of the K774 beam or you will center your beam to the column as I wrote above, or you will increase the beam width. Element dimensions and offsets for column-beam shear safety control You should make arrangements by taking into account the architectural project conditions."coskun3561":3u17g6mk" said:I can fix the errors related to beams, there is no problem with them. My main problem is in columns
"dexana":315vqo9a" said:HELLO I HAVE A FULLY SYMMETRIC TWO-BLOCK PROJECT I MODEL ONE OF THE OTHER. I MODEL THE OTHER WITH THE MIRROR COMMAND, BUT, NO GEOMETRIC ERRORS CAN COME OUT IN THE SECOND PROJECT. We can write a clear answer if you describe the problem in a little more detail, or if you add a project and give an example of doing this or that...
Welcome, good luck..."nitasltd":27tjun6q" said:I have been using IDECAD for a long time, but I bought a new license.
There is also a small sample project saved as cde in the same folder. (TH_Example1.cde) If you haven't looked, you can examine that project together with the Pdf file. (acceleration records are already entered) Example project can be a reference for you"nitasltd":27tjun6q" said:I have a question; I am making a static project of a 15-storey building. After solving it with mod merge method. I wanted to do two types of analysis. First, I wanted to calculate in time history. When I made a solution based on the file saved as PDF under the IDECAD folder and my own knowledge, I found both shear and moment forces to be very low. In short, I could not do this analysis on IDECAD.
It is a result that changes depending on what you enter and what you define. You need a reference that you are sure of what the result will be. If you have a sap program, you can import the structure you entered into the sap program, you can make a one-to-one comparison."nitasltd":27tjun6q" said:when I did the solution, I found both shear and moment forces to be very low.
Pushover analysis and linear performance analysis are different analysis methods. By pushover analysis you must have meant linear performance analysis. Because there is a linear performance analysis option in the program. With linear performance analysis; There may be many reasons why the new building you enter is in the collapse zone. The most obvious reason is usually: In the performance analysis, brittle (shear) fracture of the elements is not allowed. If even an element in your building has left without cutting it, that building is considered to be in the collapse zone. The results of the report should be examined in detail. In short, it is difficult to make a definite judgment without seeing the system you have entered."nitasltd":27tjun6q" said:I did a second push analysis but whatever I did, I couldn't save the building from collapse.
I think you mean linear performance analysis when you say thrust analysis. No, there is no problem in the program."nitasltd":27tjun6q" said:Is there a problem in the program in thrust analysis in high-rise buildings? .
When you analyze any building, dynamic analyzes of that building are made automatically. Explain exactly what you want to see as an example. If you want a finished project, forum users can share their project with you if they want... Good work..."nitasltd": 27tjun6q" said:Do you have an example of this? I couldn't find much information on the forum especially about dynamic analysis. I couldn't find it in the idecad book either. Even if it is a small building, an example with dynamic analysis from beginning to end would be good.
Hello, The program creates a file with ctb extension in the folder where the drawing file you exported is located. Inside this file is the pen you used in the project. There is information about their thickness. Copy this file to the plot styles folder under the folder where Autocad is installed. Open your dwg file in Autocad. Click the 'Plot' command from the File menu and copy the plot style table to the folder in the dialog that opens. Select as . Good work"majesty":1szv1ia1" said:good day I have a little question.. I don't have any problems with statics thank goodness.:=) but how can I adjust pen thicknesses, ie layers, after exporting the project to autocad.. I have a chance to adjust before exporting or after exporting Do I have a chance to do this quickly.... otherwise it is difficult to set it most of the timethank you
New possibilities will come, new interfaces will be added. In short, the current interface will not change."svc-800":aze39cvs" said:will it be the same as 7 with everything including the porgram interface?
No problem. On the contrary, you start using the program already"svc-800 said:":aze39cvs"] Do you mind if I buy version 6 now?
no way. We've all come up with an upgrade since version 3.04. We've paid a fee once in a while. This has only happened with radical changes. ideYapı has been following a very consistent policy on pricing..."svc-800":2t6r5hxe" said:Friends, I want to buy the version of IdeCad 7 but it has not been released yet.. When it comes out, the update from 6 to 7 will be free, but will it be the same as 7 with everything including the program interface? Doesn't it?
"dexana":2k5yyd0j" said:hello, I have a question I'm wondering if there is any change in the superstructure when I change only the raft foundation and have only the raft foundation analysis? If you are making a pavement interactive solution, the change to the raft base will also affect the pavement effects.
There is no problem with your project according to version 6.54. Open it, enter the raft reinforced concrete. Remove the reinforcement fixing. Analyze. Now let's examine the reinforcements: 1. Enter the raft reinforced concrete.. There is fi10/10 reinforcement at the bottom and top. 2. Switch to the Additional tab. Open the axis no. 2. You will see the additional reinforcements. If we examine the reinforcements ; additional reinforcement is required only in the lower parts, the largest reinforcement area is 5.03 cm2. fi10/10 main reinforcement = 10.26 cm2, the sum of the two = 12.88 cm2. As a result, the program automatically selects fi10/10 reinforcement and it is larger than 5.03 cm2 in axis 2. It throws additional reinforcements, including. These appear in the report. When I save and open the project, it appears again."mustafaozcan":c4jbttf4" said:1-When I save it as, it appears, when I change it and analyze it again, the insufficient reinforcement error does not appear, the additions are not visible. What can I do?
According to the project, you have made the main reinforcements fi14/15 upper and fi16/15 lower. 1. Analyze. 2. You have entered the fi16/15 reinforcement below. Reinforcement area = 13.04 cm2 > 12,884 cm2. So it gives the total. No need for additional reinforcements at the bottom. Therefore, the program does not add any additional. According to this result, no additional items appear in the additional accessories tab. It's not in the report. When I save and open the project, it does not appear again."mustafaozcan":c4jbttf4" said:I want to fix the reinforcements on my raft slab and play with additional reinforcements, but the additions are not visible a ma calculations-reports..
If we are talking about two completely separate buildings, it is more appropriate to define the two buildings as two different projects. In this way, you can also enter the coefficients of R. In buildings that converge at the bottom but dilate at the top or have common foundations, it will be appropriate to find the smallest R and use it. Good work..."mustafaozcan":c4jbttf4" said:2- Is it a correct approach to take the R coefficient the same when solving the structure separated by dilatation?