Dear HakanŞahin and thank you for your interest in the 2m project. 3 - Either I can't do the dxw import or it's really not as easy as the mentioned program. As Mr. Hakan said, I used the 2b Architectural Project Read tool, but I couldn't get any results. After importing a dwg file containing two closed rectangular objects, I selected the column option with the 2D Architectural Project Read tool and selected the relevant layer, but nothing happened. In my opinion, after selecting the column option, every closed area we click should be directly converted to a column. The same goes for other elements as well. 1 - Filtering and selecting the elements in that way is equivalent to reaching the desired result in another way. It would be much better if it immediately showed the result in 3D. I didn't know as I haven't tried version 2 - v7. In other words, I knew that the reinforcements can be viewed in 3 dimensions, but it was very good that it was in the reinforced concrete dialogs. Congratulations. Here, like a little child, I don't want to be in the position of wanting this and that. But I said these because I thought that the things I wanted would add value to the ideCAD Statk software. Maybe you don't want to do the same with other software, but nowadays everyone is inspired by someone. Of course, there have been things that they have hidden from you.