Questions about using ideCAD Static 6

"aksa":3vaak5bz" said:
Greetings to the whole ide building family, I get different results in the analyzes I made in the 6.51 version and 6.2007 versions of the reinforcement projects I sent attached. Improved use 6.51 provided that you enter the structure without errors.
I don't want to use the mold plan dimensioning that I bought in İdecad, I delete it and re-dimen it. When I get a wrong spot, I can't fix it. I have to resize it again. Is there any solution? Also, when the mold plans are printed, the points held are shown with circles. Why can't we print them with celtic?
"hakan":3f81425l" said:
When I get a wrong spot, I can't fix it. I have to resize it again. Is there a solution?
You need to delete it and resize it.
"hakan":3f81425l" said:
Also, when the mold plans are printed, the retained points are shown with a circle. Why can't we print them with notation...
Yes, we can't choose circles and measurement points in the pattern plan. In addition, the size separator can be selected as a line in the column application plan. You can use the axis system for the formwork plan by copy-pasting from the column application. Good work...
"HakanŞahin":r6avl2y7" said:
"hakan":r6avl2y7" said:
I can't fix it when I got a wrong spot. I have to resize it again. Is there a solution?
You need to delete it and resize it.
"hakan":r6avl2y7" said:
And when the pattern plans are printed, the points that are kept are shown with circles. why can't we print them with notation...
Yes, we can't make a selection in the pattern plan as the measurement points are circles. However, in the column application plan, the measurement separator line is used. You can use the axis system for the formwork plan by copy-pasting from the column application. Good work...
I know and apply these.. But my curiosity is why a solution is not applied.
"hakan":2jvi9tto" said:
But my curiosity is, Why isn't a solution implemented.
Hello again, Both the questions asked on the basis of technical support and the issues conveyed as problems in the forum, must be [/] b] is evaluated and added to new versions within a certain time and program. This matter you wrote will definitely be taken into consideration along with other requests/suggestions and determinations and will be added to our work list. Detections/requests and problems communicated to us during the development of ideCAD Static 6 version, We leave it to you, our valued users, to review the work list and evaluate the rate of consideration in new versions.
Mr. Hakan, Basic shoots; It is calculated as 2 floors in the meter scale given next to the foundation plan. Good work...
Hello, May I know if we have an option to adjust the lengths of the parts of the axis lines that are outside the contour lines?
I have a few requests from the program developers. 1- Removing the program in 64-bit version so that the performance of the program will increase for large projects 2- In terms of practical use of the program, when we click on the dimension box while drawing the axis, it is difficult to delete the texts automatically and the cm text does not appear. 3- A special section will be created in the program and we will show the damage of the building we built according to the earthquake with animation, so we can know how strong the building is resistant to earthquake. 4-columns give 14 gauge iron in almost every project, it seems to me that there is something strange about it. 5-report pages become beautiful, but they look too long, fonts can be reduced. 6-build schematic display is blank. 7- Most importantly, the upper reinforcement on the consoles on the balconies still gives 8 gauge, at least 12 or 14 gauge iron should be used, I will write it again when I think of it, thanks for your interest
"3-A special section will be created in the program and it will show the damage of the building we built according to the earthquake with animation, so we can know how strong the building is resistant to earthquakes. 4-columns give 14 gauge iron in almost every project. There is something strange about it. It looks like me. 5-report pages are beautiful, but they look too long, the fonts can be reduced. 6-the schematic of the structure is blank. 7-most importantly, the upper reinforcement on the balconies is still 8 gauge. At least 12 or 14 gauge iron should be used" [/ color] Either you typed wrongly what you want to indicate with number 3 or there is a missing information. that is: the concept of "intensity" in an earthquake is not a term used in design. intensity expresses the outcome of the earthquake in a relative, observational way. It is used to describe the damage caused by the earthquake on the earth. There is another scale in design. It is the expectation scale. example: "life safety performance expectation"....there is another known definition system of earthquake. It's the energy scale. The terms "violence" and "greatness" are often confused in the media. In ide static, the performance level of the structures is determined according to the 7th section of the earthquake code. The issue you mentioned with number 4 is like a complete lack of information. because which reinforcement diameters to be used in columns, beams, etc. structural elements can be given to the program. If you don't want to use fi14, you can uninstall it. There is a selection list of reinforcements under the reinforced concrete menu. On the subject you specify with number 5, you can reduce the number of report pages either by adjusting the character heights in the report or by removing the titles you do not want in the optional reports section. there are even those who reduce it by half by fitting 2 pages on an A4 page in the printer settings... The issue you mentioned with number 6 did not happen to me. Add your project. The issue at number 7 is that there is the possibility of manually adjusting the upper reinforcement. There are more advanced settings in the bottom and top reinforcement settings in the reinforced concrete account axle edit....
Obviously, the friend may know something but may not know the truth. Our duty is not to offend our colleagues, but to strive to show them the truth. Nobody was born as an engineer from the womb of their mother, right? A friend asked questions to learn. And he has a high self-confidence that he talked about the situation here. Congratulations to him. I wish you a good work. Ide officials have already given the necessary answer in the best way...
Although it is not like showing the earthquake damage of the building with animation, the design (capacity / impact ratios) and 3D display of the performance status of the elements in the program (in the form of color etc.) are among the possibilities we evaluated for advanced versions. For items 4, 6 and 7, we would like you to add a sample project and let us know which elements you have problems with. (This generally applies to any issue reported on the forum).
greetings... the best part of the forum is sharing problems and information. Criticisms must be made with a view to benefit. Sometimes it's not just not knowing, but not being able to explain what you know. I felt the need to rewrite that software is just a tool. The state of the calculator with its functions, its graphic supported version. If it's design, it's the engineer's job, and if it's a building, it's the civil engineer's job. Nowadays it is fashionable to compare with sap2000. however, those who use it know how prone to mistakes sap2000 is, especially in reinforced concrete structures. I once again ask the ide authorities. If there are those old promotional brochures of idestatic and idemimar, let them put them here. How well those brochures describe the historical development...