Questions about using ideCAD Static 6

I am working on the solution of a 10-storey building. In general, I was told to carry 70 out of 100 of the shear forces to the curtains, in this way the frame system would be relaxed. I did so. The building carries 70-75 curtains in the x direction and y direction, but I may need to reduce the curtains in the x direction from architectural perspective. As such, alpha in the x direction decreases to around 58 percent, and there is an increase of around 1-1.5% in total equipment. Do you think I should add curtains elsewhere in the x direction? I think the amount of reinforcement in the sections defined as relieving the frame is lower. Can I have your recommendations?
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Good afternoon, ideYapı is on the ground floor in the attached project p19 When I define the p20 p25 p26 curtains as one piece, it gives an intersection error, but when I divide the same curtains into two in order to eliminate the intersection error in the basement floors, the curtain length error is given, but the curtain takes two different names at this point, do I need to define it as a single piece in terms of calculation and naming, or I cannot model these curtains as columns How would you suggest I model it? good work
Good day, how can we control the stresses in the raft foundation application? How can we view it in the report? (I draw the foundation around the building (I connect the surrounding columns) and define flooring in the middle part)
"b.ersin":2md32q7r" said:
(I draw a continuous foundation around the building (I connect the surrounding columns) I define flooring in the middle)
For the rafter raft solution, you must connect all columns with continuous foundations. (You can convert the system to beamless raft without connecting a continuous foundation if you want.)
"b.ersin":2md32q7r" said:
How can we control the stresses in the raft foundation in the application of beamed raft foundation? How can we display it in the report?
Soil stresses are printed in the continuous foundation report as stress values for each continuous foundation under the title of continuous foundation reinforced concrete calculation. In addition, in the raft report, you can see the ground stress values affecting the raft slabs as G and Q in the load column. Good work
1. In the Parameters/General Reinforced Concrete Settings dialog, check the value of "Pile Bottom Remaining Length". (100 cm is the default value and is generally appropriate.) That value may have changed. 2. Similarly, in the same dialog, check if the "minimum battery lower remaining ln/2" condition is checked. If checked, your beams may not meet this condition. 3. Check if "rebar diameter for pillar" is selected in the reinforcement selection. If your problem is not solved, you can add your project to the message...
"HakanŞahin":f28e5ac8" said:
1. In the Parameters/General Reinforced Concrete Settings dialog, check the "Place Bottom Remaining Length" value (100 cm is the default value and is generally appropriate.) That value may have changed. 2. Similarly, in the same dialog " Check if the condition "minimum pile lower remaining ln/2" is checked. If it is, your beams may not meet this condition. 3. Check if "rebar diameter for pillar" is selected in the reinforcement selection. If your problem is not resolved, you can add your project to the message...
Thanks, problem solved.
In the screenshot I attached; The names of the beam reinforcements on the floors are visible, but I could not understand the reason why he wrote the same ones over and over... EXAMPLE: 2fi12(K542,K642,K742) was written 3 times in a row. This is not just in this beam. What is the reason?
"coskun3561":36f1w45s" said:
EXAMPLE: 2fi12(K542,K642,K742) has been written 3 times in a row. This situation is not only in this beam.
We detected this problem that occurred during drawing a similar floor on beams and took it into our notes. ... Thank you for your report...
Selamun aleykum System Unable to Solve Error; Since the geometry is checked, there is no problem, but when I start the analysis, I encounter errors such as "The system cannot be resolved in modal loading" and "pivot error in matrix reduction". I would appreciate if you could help.
"oztekin ":3vrx2kll" said:
System Unable to Solve Error;
The program writes at which node the error occurred in the analysis report. 0:25 Pivot error in matrix reduction 0:25 Problem node number : 442 0: 25 Node coordinates: X : 25.18 Y : 13.95 Z : 32.20 0:25 ***************************** According to this, there is a problem in the junction of 11th floor K198 - K124, there is a small piece of beam left.If you delete that piece and define the joint correctly, you can analyze without a pivot error.
"oztekin":1th15r3x" said:
I fixed it, but there is still an error that the system cannot be resolved during modal installation...
I added the corrected version of the project to the message. You can review that project or continue with it ...