Questions about using ideCAD Static 6

Re: cracked section stiffnesses In the current version, full stiffnesses are used in the modal analysis part (calculation of floor seismic forces by taking R=1), then cracked section stiffnesses are used when static analysis is performed by applying floor seismic forces to floors. In the new version (version 6.5), which we plan to release towards the New Year, we have made a change so that cracked section stiffnesses are used in 2 stages.
Hello, In the last version, the floor with basement curtain gives the error of insufficient reinforcement. It only does it on the calculation axes that are curtains. How can we solve this? In the old version, there is no problem when using the same analysis button. It only happens in the latest version in the same project. The project is attached. Thank you for your interest.
"yilmazozaktan":9cny7sg9" said:
In the last version, it gives an insufficient reinforcement error in the floor where the basement curtain is located. It only does it on the calculation axes, which is the curtain. How can we solve this.
In curtain supports, the floor is considered to be held by the curtain, so there is no additional reinforcement due to the negative moment. reinforcement is required, but the program does not automatically arrange these additions. You must add these necessary additions as fi8/20 in slab concrete yourself. You can use the attached project. Also, there was a missing reinforcement message on the eaves slab on an upper floor. I fixed it too... Good work...
Wall thickness in geometric control good work. In a basement+11 storey system, almost all of the system consists of curtains. There are only 4 columns on the last floor, and there are also 2 columns converted from curved lines throughout the entire structure. basement and ground The floor heights are 383 cm. When the thickness of the basement curtains is lower than 20 cm, the geometric control shows an error. When it is 20 cm, the error goes away. only in DBYBHY, it says that if the system consists of columns and curtains, the thickness of the curtain cannot be less than 1/15 of the storey height. When we make 20 cm, even though this condition is not met, the geometric control does not give an error. I wonder what the reason is.
Re: Wall thickness in geometric control The program performs wall body thickness control according to item The thickness control of the end zones in is not performed. Note has been taken to add in the update.
RESTING URGENT good work. There are two retainings of the design, but the height is too high. The 1st retaining has a height of 790 h. I bought the rear shoe width 400, front shoe width 150 and shoe height 80 cm, curtain 80 to 40. It gets narrower. The calculation saves, but trucks with loads pass behind the retaining. In this case, I need to enter a q value of a distributed load. I guess I can't do that either. Can you tell me if it can be done. Otherwise, I wonder how much q distributed load will come, or I will do the calculation manually. In the second retaining, there is a height of 660 h and the width of the rear shoe is 300, the width of the front shoe is 150, the shoe height is 60, the curtain narrows from 70 to 35. The question that comes to my mind here is: this retaining building is 5 meters ahead of the building, I wonder if it is a pressure from a 4-storey building. Do I need to exert force because of this? How can I do that? I would appreciate if you could calculate these two bases and send them to me, I would at least compare them. I don't know if I'm on the safe side, thank you. Good evening everyone.
good work. There are two retaining pieces I made for the design, but the height is too high. The 1st retaining has a height of 790 h. I changed the rear shoe width 400, front shoe width 150 and shoe height 80. I bought cm, the curtain narrows from 80 to 40. The account saves, but loaded trucks pass behind the retaining. In this case, I think I need to enter a distributed load q value, I guess I can't do this either. Can you tell me if it can be done. If not, I wonder how much q spread load will come in. Calculate manually.
It can be entered from the surcharge load tab in the Retaining Wall Settings/General settings tab. You must calculate the Load Value.
2. In the retaining, there is a height of 660 h and the width of the rear shoe is 300, the width of the front shoe is 150, the shoe height is 60, the curtain narrows from 70 to 35. The question that comes to my mind here is this: I wonder if there is a force due to the pressure of this 4-storey building, 5 meters ahead of the retaining building. How can I do that?
My opinion is that if this structure stays inside the Slip circle, it would be more appropriate to act on the retaining wall as a surcharge load to stay on the safe side. Good work
U,T,L type curtains When making elevator curtains in the basement or drawing the basement curtains of the building, especially in places where the building is indented and protruding, curtain length; Since it is not more than 7 times the curtain thickness, it gives an error in the geometry control. In this case, is the solution to model these curtains as polygon columns?
the beam carries the console floor. . What changes in the program when we tick the option that the beam console carries the floor. I tried both but I couldn't see any change in force values and reinforcements. What is the difference between checking this option or not? Also, in another question, when I want to make ribbed flooring on balconies, I get the message 'Console flooring cannot be designed as single rib or cassette flooring' in the geometry control. I wonder if making the balconies ribbed is prevented by the earthquake regulation
. What changes in the program when we tick the option that the beam console carries the floor. I tried both but I couldn't see any change in force values and reinforcements. What is the difference between checking this option or not?
The line "Beam console carries slab" is an option that affects slab analysis results. When this line is marked, slab analysis is performed with the assumption that both rotations and translations are retained when the relevant slab is attached to the beam. If the beam is the edge of a console slab, it would be appropriate to mark this line.
Also, in another question, when I want to make ribbed slabs on balconies, I get the message 'console slab cannot be designed as single rib or cassette slab' in geometry control. gives this warning. It would be appropriate to define the cantilevered slab calculation beam with the calculation beam of another ribbed slab.
The size of the well foundation reinforcement can now be taken as a table together with the well foundation drawings. Your request to be taken as a report has been added to our notes.
Hello there; While defining point load on beams; I created a new node where the 1st point load acts, and I applied the point load from the 3d frame. I did the second analysis. When I examined the 3rd beam reports, I could not see the point load I added as "extra load"... Save the project as; 4. Without using the 3d frame, I applied the load to the same point with the "draw > point load" command, as explained in the program's user manual. I examined the 5th reports, but I could not read the load value I added in the reports. (although there are constant G and Q loads coming from the slabs, there is no extra load value that I affect) Question: Is my algorithm wrong or am I reading the report wrong? Or which report should I look at? (reports I'm looking at are beam reports > beam loads) good work, regards
Hello, There are three cases in your question: 1) Draw/Spot load is the "Draw/Slab/Point Slab load" you wrote and it is for slabs. (Not for beams and columns as in 5) It is printed in the slab report under the heading "slab point and linear load". 2) Point loads that you enter from 3D to the node points are printed in the Building Information report as a table with coordinate, loading and load value information. 3) Point vs. loads entered into the beams element from the building tree or 3D frame are printed in the table as load information in the beam loads report. You can view the load definition from the link below...
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Hello Mr. Hakan; Thanks for your answer... I looked at the reports mentioned, the number of pages of the reports is more than 1800 pages, instead of giving the loads that we have introduced by clipping in those reports to the control authority, can we make an arrangement and print the reports (beam point loads) on the beam reports page? Thanks for your attention, regards...
"Mirza":37e7ff8f" said:
I looked at the aforementioned reports, the number of pages of the reports is more than 1800 pages, can we make an arrangement and print the reports (beam point loads) on the beam reports page, instead of giving the loads we introduced by clipping in those reports to the control authority? ?
What you want is already in the beam loads report... The point loads you give to the beam element from 3 dimensions (3rd case) are printed in the beam loads report. You will submit that report for inspection, not the building information report... The information written in the building information report is directly are the point loads given to the nodes...