I am using ide cad 6.206 version and windows 7 home premium. On a computer with windows xp and a lower specification, mold plans, beam expansions, etc., on the sheet where I collected the whole project. It makes the move with the move command much faster than a more advanced labtop that I just bought and installed windows 7 home premium. When I reported this problem to the technical service, I was told to update the drivers of the video card and I updated the drivers of the video card, but there was no acceleration. When I transfer the same layout to autocade and work on it, it works much faster. If you can find a solution to this problem, I would appreciate it, because while collecting the plans and expansions on the sheet or formwork plan, column apl. I have a hard time scrolling the reinforcement tables in the annex of the plan. (but the labtop with windows 7 is very fast when navigating the three-dimensional drawing). Because the lines renew themselves when autocadde scrolls at the last point or when I hold the mouse for a long time... I wonder if I made the wrong choice somewhere in the program settings?