Good afternoon, There is a model of a structure that I control in the attached file. My question is about the foundation of the structure. The engineer who made the project predicted a rafter raft foundation and finished the project in this way. According to these project outputs (ie, according to the Idecad Static program), the structure does not have a problem with the ground safety stress. However, when you delete the beams and model them as rafts, it is understood that this is not the case at all. I knew that there was such a problem in the program before, but frankly, I was not very interested because it did not happen to me. I scrambled the forum quite a bit and installed the attached basic model; - All columns, panels are constantly pressing on the foundations. - All continuous bases are connected to panel start-end points. - All raft foundations surrounded by continuous foundations. - I do not make superstructure interactive solutions. Despite this, all continuous foundation stresses are still at their minimum value. It is as if there is no load coming from the superstructure. When I wipe the raft, I can always see the stresses that should be in the foundations. Or on the contrary, when I cancel the beams and only enter the raft foundation, the ground stresses return to normal again. Is it my fault, or is there a known vulnerability in the program? Or how can I control it? Yağmur Can KOÇAK Note: In a title, it was stated that the raft stresses in rafter raft foundations are not shown by the program, and that this control should be done by adding the G+Q load on the basic analysis page. Even so, lower ground stresses occur than they should be.