"illaga":cg3w1p0r" said:
I have questions for a simple industrial structure (basement+ground+mezzanine) solution: When I solve the building with group C interactively, the floor and the column connected to the beam on the top floor, which I gave the upper level, unusual pursantan. When I solve the superstructure without interaction, this problem disappears. Why am I getting an offset error on the column on the top floor, not the column connected to the foundation?
The superstructure interactive solution may affect the analysis results of the entire structure. If you add the project, we can examine if there is a problem with the data entry.
"illaga":cg3w1p0r" said:
2-When we enter a value for the Section and Reinforcement Tolerance ( - ) in the Analysis settings, does it make our project stay on the safer side outside of the economy?
The file is attached Mr. Levent. I also had another question. In systems with floor level, should we give our columns an upper level or do we connect them to the column on the upper floor?