Insights questions on the use of Steel Design

Re: opinions questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Hello; Stability design is made with ideCAD Steel 8.5 and 6.4 Buckling Length Method, one of the methods in New Turkish Steel Regulation Chapter 6. Regarding the geometric pre-defect and stiffness reduction you mentioned, details are given in the article, where stiffness reduction is not used in the 6.4 Buckling Length Method, the effect of horizontal fictitious loads for geometric pre-defects and their application to the system together with vertical loads and how this application will be done. Currently, fictitious horizontal loads are not automatically created for geometric pre-faults in the 8.5 version, but you can define these loads and affect the structure in combination according to the principles specified in and design the structure. Good work.
Re: opinions questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Thank you for the explanation. Regarding the analysis method, we expect alternative solution options in future versions. Greetings.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Steel 8 questions Hello, The analysis is being terminated due to the geometry control I can't understand about the porch structure. I thought it would be about liberties and . But even though I fixed it, I get the same error. Can you help me.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Steel 8 questions Good afternoon, with Idecad 8, moment combination can be made in the weak axis in I and H section steel buildings. Is there any document in the literature that moment joints can transmit moment in weak axis in I and H sections? Is there any study or article about this topic? IMO in Cyprus requests this to be proven in visa procedures.
Re: opinions on using ideCAD Steel 8 questions
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There are two documents on the subject in the link. In summary, it is necessary to study and design the moment-transmitting connections on the weak axis of the column (to provide the required capacity and rotational rigidity of the joint) very well.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Steel 8 questions
"temomap":33yyfj94" said:
Good afternoon, with Idecad 8, moment combination can be done in weak axis in I and H section steel buildings. Is there a document in the literature that it can transfer moments in the weak axis of its cross-sections? Is there a study or article on this subject? In Cyprus, IMO requests this to be proven in visa procedures.
Moment transfer can be made to the columns in the weak axis. See Design Guide 13 Appendix D. It should be noted that since the beam will be attached to the column body, this connection detail will be less ductile than the detail to be formed on the column head and this connection must be meticulously manufactured (especially welds). Since it is very necessary, it is not recommended to make a connection that transfers moment from the weak direction to the column.
Re: opinions on using ideCAD Steel 8 questions Good afternoon, Thank you for your ideas and resources. The weak axes of the project sent in the appendix using İdecad were solved with the system that transmits moment. What kind of a connection can be used in the weak axis direction instead of these combinations, what are your suggestions? In terms of architecture, since glass will be used on the exterior of the system, cross ties cannot be thrown away. (What suggestions do you have in case of a note?) Thank you for your interest and help.
Re: opinions questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Hello; You have already preferred the bolted combination with the header plate, it is a suitable solution as you can also get the design report from ideCAD. Apart from this joint, column-beam stiffened butt plate joint and full penetration welded joint can be used. Of course, it may be necessary to use field welding in full penetration welded joint and welded joint with hood plate. It is suitable in 4 combinations in terms of model calculation. Good work.
Re: opinions and questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Thank you for your comments and thoughts. In case of column-beam stiffened butt plate connection, how will the accuracy of the calculation be checked, since the design report cannot be obtained in idecad8?
Re: opinions questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Hello; You have to make calculations for the column-beam stiffened butt plate connection. This rule is valid for the entire section of constructive combinations in the program. Good work.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Çelik 8 questions Greetings Ms. Nurgül, Will there be a future study for the calculations of constructive joints because the superiority of idecad is that it can draw as well as drawing programs and it can also be a calculation program. There is no program in the market that can do it. I think our aim is to achieve this. Users can try the account that you will do it, but you know there is very little documentation on the combination accounts. I would appreciate if you could guide this subject. (not only for the combination in question) in the future, the user will certainly create his own combination. Then the combination account will be provided. I'm also wondering how to do this. Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
Re: opinions questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Hello; There are many requests from users for the design of constructive combinations, and these requests are evaluated and forward-looking planning is made. As a result of the planning, a study was envisaged for all combinations and studies were started as the R&D team. According to the results of these studies, we will be able to reach a level where we can provide you with more comprehensive information. The combinations that have been calculated for now are the combinations detailed by the Earthquake Code and you need to come up with a solution for the constructive combinations by making use of domestic and foreign resources (most of these sources are given as references in the joints that are currently calculated). As you have stated, you cannot get detailed design reports in this way in any other program at the moment. As you can imagine this is not an easy process, it will take process. During this process, your requests are carefully noted and included in the planning. During this process, we try to help you with the solution of your projects whenever we can. You can reach the documents related to the calculation of the combinations from our references. Our long-term goal is to offer you a solution for all combinations as a result of R&D studies. Good work.
Re: Opinions and questions about the use of ideCAD Steel 8 hello, thank you, I would like to point out one more point in order to make idecad steel popular. There are training videos available, live trainings are very good, although I think you have suspended them a bit these days. Videos of short examples should be made. From a to z. from the result analysis to the report. this can be 3×3 slabs (concrete, steel mixed, only steel etc. small projects must be mastered so that it is understandable to be easy to perceive. Because if this is not done in steel, it is difficult for a person who does not know how to improve himself. I have written before, I would appreciate it if you consider it. menu n pictures should be made larger and easier to select. It may be a small detail but it really works hard. Good work. Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
Re: opinions questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Hello; The situation you mentioned about the icons in the combination menu has been noted before. Notes will be taken on the issues you mentioned about the training. We thank you. Good work.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Steel 8 questions In an existing Reinforced Concrete building, only Existing B/Arme beams will be trimmed to the B/Arme plate level, as it does not save elevation from B/Arme plate and B/Arme beams (To be demolished ). Can it be calculated by installing steel H beams using the idecad 8 steel program instead of the existing B/Arme beams that have been trimmed?
Re: opinions questions about using ideCAD Steel 8 Hello; You can create a mixed structure, analyze and design by using steel elements in a reinforced concrete structure. If you have problems with modeling or at any other stage because you are not familiar with the program, the technical support team will help you. Good work.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Steel 8 questions
"nurgulkaya":3s8kasye" said:
Hi, You can create a mixed structure, analyze and design a mixed structure by using steel elements in a reinforced concrete structure. Modeling or at any other stage The technical support team will help you if you have problems due to your unfamiliarity with the program.Good work.
Thanks for your attention, -I am attaching two idecad 8 programs as Current State and Design State in the Appendix. Current State The current state of the building, Design State , -In its current state, all beams and plates of the existing Ground Floor (except for the beams of the Staircase area), and only the existing beams of the Sende floor are requested to be trimmed up to the level below the plate (as the floor level does not save). -In this context, the Design State I made In the file, the existing ground floor was demolished instead of steel beams and composite flooring. On the Existing Sende floor, all plates and beams were canceled in the program. steel beams were installed. However, since the existing plates will remain in place, the plate was defined in order to be able to load the existing steel beams on the newly added steel beams and all analyzes were made accordingly. - A new B/Arme curtain was added to the C axis in order to increase system rigidity and provide architectural harmony. -You can also find architectural and static drawings in the appendix. -Can you please share your information if the calculation and modeling are correct and if you have new suggestions about design. Note: I couldn't load attachments. The quota is full.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Steel 8 questions Hello, are the bolt diameter, length and hole diameter, respectively, what I understand from the values such as M10*11-50, M22*25-50 in the bolt and bolt report in the steel quantity list? . Thanks.