Project Design and Problems Encountered

Re: Project Planning and Troubles A contractor called and -sir brother -we made a mezzanine floor hollow, come prepare a renovation project accordingly, -brother, how did you pour concrete, wait, stop, -well we earthquake [ size=5]directed by[/size], we did it, don't worry, you :D (directed alone) - wait, I'm coming vs etc etc.
Re: Project Planning and Troubles actually all the problem is in the building inspections, if they are properly inspected and fines are given, the problem will go away, the building is looking for inspection, I am told, when does so-and-so start the project? -brother man pours the concrete of 3 floors, -don't do it, where was his construction? - yuhh, that's the case... men think their main duty is to carry files to the municipality....
Re: Project Planning and Troubles We are not a country that has solved its problems at every point but has problems only in construction project/construction. It is a virtue to be able to start criticism from "I" first. and even the biggest step. "criticism" is a right. However, "criticism" is a very weak step to correct something that is not right. even sometimes, criticism can lead the addressee to greed and insist on the wrong. If the purpose is to "eat grapes" and not "beat the vineyard grower", then the project designer and implementer engineers need to substitute a series of measures again according to this ultimate goal. As the "read" people of society, we need to revisit and reevaluate the problem. otherwise, things will continue like this without any improvement. Greetings to all friends who wrote under this topic in the forum. Please do not take my article as "personal". My interlocutor is all civil engineers, especially myself. Best regards...
Re: Project Planning and Troubles Things that the municipality looks at when examining a project:
" x municipality ":1r1ttm42" said:
At least 4 calculation axes in the x direction, at least 4 in the y direction, due to a cut in the reinforcement due to the foundation pit in the raft foundation -(What can we say.) g and q should appear on the raft foundation drawings There is a small mosque in a basement floor, q=500 -(There is no need or requirement for such a display. q=?) 1. Basement floor formwork plan is included in the architectural project -(Necessary additions have been made to the plan and staircase detail. -Ladder stepping on the ground) Stair landing floors are not visible in the program. It is requested to introduce them to the program by taking Q=3.5 KN and to level the stair landings. -(Semi Since it is calculated with the rigid diaphragm option, all stairs are calculated as a whole with the system.) Shear safety of column-beam joints is not visible in the static calculation report. -(Since the system is solved as a beamless slab, there is no column-beam junction shearing safety automatically.) In the architectural project, the walls appear as bricks. Static project wall loads need to be reviewed. -(Since it is a slab without beams, both slab loads have been increased and all wall loads have been entered as linear loads.) In the formwork plan, the slab information must be G=? , Q=? must be displayed. -(There is no need or requirement for such a demonstration, this is not a matter of concern to the craftsman.) The engine room platform elevation flooring does not match the architectural project. It should be revised in consultation with the architect. -(Fixed) In the architectural project, both elevator bucket floor elevations appear as 19.60. The elevations should be processed in the static project by negotiating with the architect. -(It has been corrected in line with your warning, and there is essentially an inconsistency in the architectural project). -(There is no need to add a load to the 16cm eaves floor that has nothing on it. q=?) For 20cm motif protrusions on the floor edges, q=0.15 should be taken and changed to 0.20. -(There is no need to add 0.20 to the 15 cm thick and 20 cm motif protrusions on which we predict that no load will be placed on them.) Some of the chimneys have not been measured. -(Dimensions were not entered to avoid drawing confusion since it is a symmetry situation.)
Re: Project Planning and Troubles In my opinion, municipalities examine projects somewhat formally, not in terms of calculations. While approval is given to projects with unbelievable load-bearing system designs, such as A1, B1, B2, even if the coefficients of irregularity are very high, saying that they should comply with the regulation, municipalities, on the other hand, include chimney gaps, adding them to the static project in the layout plan that is already in the architectural project, or writing occupational safety clauses on the back of the project cover. It gets stuck on secondary and tertiary subjects such as Also, as stated by NYILMAZ and requested by the municipality, "Laying information should be shown G=? The article is really silly. Indeed, what will the master do at the construction site with the G - Q values. Also what is Q = 0 on the elevator tower roof?
Re: Project Planning and Troubles Observation In most of the projects I have studied so far, I have observed that the height of the bottom consolidation zone of the ground floor columns in the ground + normal storey buildings without a basement is left less than necessary. Because, unless it is adjusted and corrected, a large part of the lower compaction zone of these columns remains in the ground fill and lean concrete, and the height of the lower compaction zone is significantly reduced. In short, the height of the lower compaction zone of the columns should be the subbasement level + the height specified in the regulation starting from the foundation. Otherwise, the height of the lower compaction zone of the ground floor columns decreases as much as the sub-basement level. Considering that the average sub-basement level in ground + normal storey buildings is between 0.50 - 1.00 - 1.50 m, we can say that many plastic hinges that are likely to occur in the structure may occur in the ground floor columns, just above the rigid infill, with a significantly reduced lower wrapping area. . Actually, in ideCAD Static, this dangerous situation can be easily fixed with the column bottom end wrap zone length option in the column static/reinforced concrete tab, but for some reason I haven't seen it used much. So, can this option be automated by the program? Yes. By entering the basement height in a tab in the program, the lower end wrapping heights of all ground floor columns can be simply increased depending on this value. If there are different subbasement levels, necessary corrections can be made automatically by specifying which columns are included in which level in the program. As a result, even though the above-ground rigid filling, which is made to create the sub-basement level, is a virtual concept that is not taken into account in the calculations for the analysis program and the engineer, its effects are extremely dangerous in reality. My observation is in this direction. Good work everyone...
Re: Project Planning and Problems yes, very true. Care should also be taken when there is a level difference in the beams connected to the column. for example, columns connected to the mezzanine landing. For example, the columns at the edge of the stage...
Re: Project Planning and Troubles - Registration 585: The last project we have done is to be built on a parcel with two sides, front and back facing the road, B+Z+3 storey, approx. It was a simple residential building of 1600 m2. Due to the 6.50 m level difference between the front and back roads in the project, the height of the basement floor automatically became 6.50 m. Only the officer at the municipal architectural control desk said that 6.50 m. It is also a suggestion that will be useful in reducing the buckling length and improving the lateral stability of the 6.50 m high columns and shear walls. Anyway, the architectural project was pre-printed, I drew the reinforced concrete project and other engineers drew the rest of the projects. Checks were made and the building permit was obtained. So far, so good. Later, the masters at the construction site said that these projects were nonsense and released the contractor to the office where we worked. The man came over and said it sounded like you were trying to sink me, referring to the bare and hollow beams we had built in the middle of the basement. I had to exit too. However, the amount of iron that would go to the additional beams we made from the middle level of the basement floor was not even 2 tons. In addition, the architectural and static project was both beautiful and economical for that ragged and uneven land. What a waste of time...
Re: Project Planning and Troubles - Registration 632: About 6 months ago, a project with an approximate construction area of 4100 m2, whose architecture was designed in our office and whose reinforced concrete project was done by me, was passed from the building inspection control and After the municipality gave the license, we gave it to the contractor and the construction started. However, since the parcel of the building was very crooked and irregular in geometry, the architect made a very difficult design to realize the desired number of flats, flat sizes and shop designs. The architecture of the project was not bad, even it was a good design that could meet the desired demands. But this of course made my job more difficult. After much effort, I decided that the best solution for this chaotic architecture would be a hollow system that could be placed systematically, to be made with aligned columns and to be connected with large-sized horizontal beams. Because I couldn't put curtains on the exterior of the building and because the ground floor is a complete shop, I had to design all the columns as strong square columns. As a result, it was a good structure both architecturally and statically (the cost was reasonable even though the system was a hollow system and required a raft foundation). Everything went well and smoothly. However, yesterday (22.04.2015/İZMİR) the contractor of the building came to the office and closed the issue by saying that these square columns protrude too far into the rooms, 25/50 columns were placed in the building next to the construction they are building, why did you not do that, I will work with other offices from now on. However, he had sold some of his flats before even the finer construction was finished...
Re: Project Management and Troubles dear colleagues, I need your ideas, I am an engineer for 7 years and I have been providing static project service in my own office for the last 2 years, I have not received payment from the architect I work for about 6 months, I have sent my latest projects to another project engineer. re-projected. I realized the situation when there were 2 sets of projects in the file in the municipality. They probably thought that I would like payment when signing. I tried to talk, but when I call they don't pick up, they're in a ridiculous escape How do you think I should proceed?
Re: Project Planning and Troubles - Registration 635: My 26-storey high-rise project, which I personally made the reinforced concrete project (and sometimes the steel parts) received approval from the municipality. The interesting thing is, I looked at the N, T, M diagrams and values just to have a look before I finished the calculations and moved on to the drawings. I might not have looked. And I realized that I completed the projects by looking at the reinforcement ratios, values, regulation reports and dynamic analysis results without examining the internal force values in the reinforced concrete projects I have been doing for a long time (not steel projects). In short, it is a technological level where projects can be made without even examining the N, T, M values! we have reached. I have been pondering the question of whether this is good or bad for civil engineers now and in the future. From time to time, I come across old ripped projects and charts for the performance analysis of 20-30 year old structures. I see how much effort and meticulously the hand drawings have been made. Pages of plane frame results solved manually with the Cross method. In my opinion, in the future (it will be within 10 years), when reinforced concrete and steel structure programs scan architectural designs and automatically create columns, curtains and carrier systems, there will be no need for competent statics and project construction engineers. (01.02.2017/İZMİR) Note: As someone who has a master's degree on dynamic analysis in time history, I request ideCAD officials to use Hilber - Hughes - Taylor alpha Method or Chung - Hulbert Generalized alpha Method instead of Newmark method.
Evaluation Hello esteemed colleagues, we are meeting with a design supervisor from the TGUA-4 specialization class for our latest project with hmax freedom (80.70 m) in the province of Izmir. He resides in Istanbul. Actually, all of these CSB registered colleagues are from Istanbul right now. Together, within the scope of linear and nonlinear time history analysis, we have entered into endless revisions by examining the strengths and weaknesses of the structure. Personally, I consider this "Design Supervision" specialization, which is a new concept for our country, as a very appropriate and late position. Although I have a master's thesis on the aforementioned subjects, I realized that my competence and dominance on the subject was very limited. There is a big difference between knowing and pretending to know. Upon the conclusion of the project, we will make a serious payment to this supervisor colleague, based on the approximate cost of the building, upon the conclusion of the project, following the receipt of some documents and approvals that must be sent to the relevant administrations, commissions and CSB. I'll admit, I've never found the consulting fee, which is described as "astronomical bullshit" by some, that high. In fact, I liked it very much, I was respected and happy. Becoming an engineer with this competency takes a crazy amount of dedication, which you quickly realize in the first few negotiations. As a result, I found the necessity of the concept of oversight to take an active role in the design of these "special buildings" extremely necessary and to the point. In fact, although the high numbers demanded for this service remind me of the years when occupational safety expertise first broke out, I don't think it can be discredited and trashed like OHS in time. Because it is not a multi-disciplinary branch that anyone can take with just a one or two month course. It's more like a lifetime achievement award.
Iver can design the cheapest project with the program The text I pasted here belongs to a demo user named Metin Cross, which was sent to us via the technical support portal. (I pasted it here without any additions or stickers) I hope it will be useful İsmail Hakkı Besler ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ An engineer who thinks he can design the cheapest project for the employer with the program our brothers! American and European law-law-regulations and their annexes are written, implemented, inspected and deterrent penalties are considered as more developed-rich than us. With the Corona virus syndrome on the 2008 crisis, the world will have to make the rules completely transparent while aggravating them, otherwise it is not possible to avoid social outrage. But despite the death of so many people in our country in the 1999 earthquake and the collection of earthquake taxes and the savings of the people afterwards, neither the building inspection system, nor the earthquake regulations, nor the engineers care about human life and the future of our children as much as Americans and Europeans. If it weren't for me, someone else would get the job by doing as cheap a project as the contractor wants and he would earn the money, with the defense that public buildings and/or private buildings are DESIGNED to be graves for people in a possible EARTHQUAKE. please I am asking you. One of the attached factory building and the other will be made with the tender of the special provincial administration (both of them have not been built yet), I request your evaluation about the projects that are claimed to be solved without any errors with the package program. In our last conversation 2 months ago, you said that you don't know the design - account loads. I have added them as well. "I am 48 years old and the codes of not risking the life of 1 mother - 1 child - not being able to risk were given to me by ITU and METU schools"' Kind Regards, Metin ÇAPRAZ İnş. Eng. ITU-1993 Mobile: xxx xxx xx xx
Hello there. I choose the reinforcement as fi14 and fi16 in the columns. It calculates 16fi14 in 30/75 section (pursantaj 1.09) . Why doesn't 12fi16 design? (pursantaj 1.07) also in 30/70 section; It finds 14fi14 (1.03). 6fi16+6fi14 (1.01)