At least 4 calculation axes in the x direction, at least 4 in the y direction, due to a cut in the reinforcement due to the foundation pit in the raft foundation -(What can we say.) g and q should appear on the raft foundation drawings There is a small mosque in a basement floor, q=500 -(There is no need or requirement for such a display. q=?) 1. Basement floor formwork plan is included in the architectural project -(Necessary additions have been made to the plan and staircase detail. -Ladder stepping on the ground) Stair landing floors are not visible in the program. It is requested to introduce them to the program by taking Q=3.5 KN and to level the stair landings. -(Semi Since it is calculated with the rigid diaphragm option, all stairs are calculated as a whole with the system.) Shear safety of column-beam joints is not visible in the static calculation report. -(Since the system is solved as a beamless slab, there is no column-beam junction shearing safety automatically.) In the architectural project, the walls appear as bricks. Static project wall loads need to be reviewed. -(Since it is a slab without beams, both slab loads have been increased and all wall loads have been entered as linear loads.) In the formwork plan, the slab information must be G=? , Q=? must be displayed. -(There is no need or requirement for such a demonstration, this is not a matter of concern to the craftsman.) The engine room platform elevation flooring does not match the architectural project. It should be revised in consultation with the architect. -(Fixed) In the architectural project, both elevator bucket floor elevations appear as 19.60. The elevations should be processed in the static project by negotiating with the architect. -(It has been corrected in line with your warning, and there is essentially an inconsistency in the architectural project). -(There is no need to add a load to the 16cm eaves floor that has nothing on it. q=?) For 20cm motif protrusions on the floor edges, q=0.15 should be taken and changed to 0.20. -(There is no need to add 0.20 to the 15 cm thick and 20 cm motif protrusions on which we predict that no load will be placed on them.) Some of the chimneys have not been measured. -(Dimensions were not entered to avoid drawing confusion since it is a symmetry situation.)