Project Design and Problems Encountered

Re: PROJECT DESIGN and PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED I haven't been able to find such a title since the first day I used the project. It was very good for me to read the comments of our experienced colleagues here. I'm one of those you're talking about, the engineer you're talking about, who just got a package program. We did a lot of research, a project office did not hire us, so we took such a path because we wanted to do a project... I try to minimize my mistakes by constantly asking questions about my projects in the forum. In this thread, I found answers to some of my questions. If you continue with your comments, we may have more information. Since I live in a small town, it is difficult to find engineers who are knowledgeable in such matters. I will follow you. Thanks again for your comments, this topic should stay active, I think I can get the answers to my questions here.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Mr.uygun3561, do not hesitate to ask. After graduating in engineering, the learning process begins. The use of the theoretical information received is learned after this stage. Unfortunately, 4-year undergraduate education is not enough for a complex and responsible subject in civil engineering. Not everyone has the opportunity to do a master's degree, and it is not attractive as there is no practical benefit from doing it. In other words, no one pays more than 1 TL for a project just because you are an expert in medicine. Of course, there is no opportunity to improve and learn from the rush to make a living in the market. The most serious danger here is to think you know and close your learning paths. If you say I know, you have now closed the doors and you cannot learn. The friends I always complain about are these new graduates. We always try to help inquisitive and curious new graduates to the best of our knowledge.
"suatyy":synwp8el" said:
Ms. sahibinden.3561, don't hesitate to ask. After graduating in engineering, the learning process begins. The use of theoretical knowledge is learned after this stage. Construction "Unfortunately, 4 years of undergraduate education is not enough for a complex and responsible subject in engineering. Not everyone has the opportunity to do a master's degree, and it is not attractive because there is no practical return to do it. So no one pays more than 1 TL for a project just because you are an expert like in medicine. Of course, you are afraid of making a living on the market There is no opportunity to develop and learn. The most serious danger here is to think you know and close the ways of learning. If you say I know, you have now closed the doors and you cannot learn. These are the new graduates I always complain about. We always try to help inquiring and curious new graduates within the framework of our knowledge.[/ quote] Thank you, we are following your comments.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Hello Mr. Suat; I haven't been able to spare time for the forum because I haven't been available for a while, I could only read the comments... I'll try to write by quoting some passages from what you said... "...The hollow floor beam cannot be considered ductile anyway..." according to what we decide, ductility Is the expression just a case of cross-section? Reinforcement ratios, wrapping reinforcements are more obvious parameters, aren't they? ductility by definition; "It is the ability of a material, a section, an element or a structure to deform without a significant decrease in its bearing capacity and to consume energy under the effect of repeated loads" (Adem DOĞAGÜN) If this is the definition, can it be said that the inertia of the section alone is not considered ductile? Because the effect/capacity (r) ratios are defined for the elements in determining the structural performance, which means a separate carrier system behavior coefficient for each element, and it can be said from here that each section has a certain ductility, but this ductility is the same in every section or every element. it doesn't count, while it is low in some elements, it may be high in some elements... (like the comparison of a curtain and a column) "...Can you subtract 8 cm from 25 cm, what do we have left as a column? 17 cm. Do you think it is enough?.. "The useful height is taken into account when calculating the reinforced concrete of the section (d), if you deduct 4 cm of spacers in a 25 cm section, the useful height (height taken into account for the reinforced concrete) becomes 21 cm. is it enough? As for the question, how much is the N, V, M on it? What is the net height of the column? what are the classes of materials (concrete, steel) used?... I can tell by calculating whether they are sufficient according to these questions, but... "...I used body iron in every beam without exception..." based on your experience, I think you did And I find it interesting, frankly, what kind of problem we could not find in the regulations or in the books, you did such a thing, it is really surprising, I also want to learn something; did you use it on the butt beams too? what benefit would it have? "...But let's not forget that there is no distinction of specialization in civil engineering in our country. An engineer who has worked on the highway for 30 years can come and do a static project the next day. Unfortunately, our engineers have unlimited authority without any qualifications. Regulations try to prevent such serious mistakes.... " you are absolutely right about this, I agree... but I think the problem is not with the legislation but with the universities. The spread of specialization, the choice of a branch in the last year or the last two years of the universities and the application of course programs that are weighted accordingly will make a great contribution to solving this problem. I believe. because there are delusions whose infrastructure is not ready, such as the Chamber of Civil Engineers once introducing the concept of competent Engineering... "... All of the issues you have listed are not written in the regulation or clearly written, but will have serious consequences that are frequently made by novice engineers in the market. It has been prepared to minimize mistakes..." there is a statement that consoles inside buildings are avoided, and to give an example, a University Professor has signed a project that violates this article. When he made his presentation, the civil engineers in the market were very surprised, but he explained both theoretically and practically. (If you say that our teacher is a novice engineer, he is different) In the same project, a beam whose cross-section changed without forming a support, and a column that overlaps the beam at the cross-section change point were made. and the photographs it showed were not theoretical or on the project, photographs from the application, the concrete poured form was taken.... "..."Sudden changes in stiffness in vertical bearing elements (such as the transformation of the curtain into columns on the upper floors from any floor) were avoided. . (Although the sections seem to be sufficient as a result of the calculation)"....... Take a look at the Yapsat buildings, there are serious cracks in the consoles sitting on the floor in many of them. It was written for this reason. It was imposed because there were not enough engineers, you are right, but I wish all our engineers themselves did this. if they see the problem and impose it..." I know projects prepared in this way both at the domestic and international level. It is an example of changing the cross-sections of columns and/or shear walls. You are on the top floor of the building. You are going to design the staircase house. You have 30/250 curtains up to the top floor. Wouldn't you go out by forming the ends of these curtains like columns for the staircase house only? Or is this defended, the Building Control Project Inspection Sheet right not to allow it? ... You shouldn't be afraid of any building designed by a good engineer, but look around you, how many engineers can read the earthquake code to the end. In the meantime, in order to be able to read earthquake regulations, structural dynamics, finite elements, theory of elasticity, and earthquake dynamics etc., which are graduate courses. I would like to remind you that you must have taken the courses... I did not take the courses you mentioned, but I don't think I had too much difficulty while reading the earthquake regulations. to mix up three pages before and five pages after that formula as of my writing ;) "...Let's not make such a mistake, even if it is a single storey. There are many single-storey or two-storey buildings destroyed in the Erzincan and Düzce earthquakes..."[/ i] I don't know if you had the opportunity to examine the concrete results of the demolished structures, but they were not engineering structures, but most of the demolished ones were structures made by craftsmen or citizens by placing two bricks on top of each other by placing 6 pieces of iron on each column... and these structures are not called reinforced concrete structures, as Ugur Hoca said. is called corking the iron with concrete and pouring it on the table..." because there is an order in the reinforced concrete structure, a certain diameter of reinforcement is arranged in a certain number of intervals, in a certain section, and then a classified concrete is poured according to a certain rule... I tell you 7 Let me tell you about the collapsed one-storey building, the dimensions in the project were chosen, but due to the quality of the concrete, the random placement of the reinforcements and the incorrect placement of the concrete, the aha migrated before the operating loads were loaded. Column dimensions there were 35/80, 30/70, and there was partly a wall in the building... "... Let me just give you one more example, when calculating shear force Vr, there is a coefficient Vc for the concrete admixture. For different values of this coefficient In TS 500, it says, see TDY. You go to TDY, at the relevant point, it says, see TS 500 for the different values of this coefficient. You go and come and go between two regulations. What would you do in this case? Wouldn't you take this coefficient because there is none? Of course not. In this case, which coefficient? if it leaves you on the safe side, you'll get it..." I couldn't find an ambiguous statement in the regulation about Vc you mentioned, in the Earthquake Regulation; In the beam wrapping regions, if the shear force, which consists only of earthquake loading, is greater than half of the shear force in the earthquake, Vc says, instead of canceling, only the shearing force should be compensated with stirrups. TS 500 referred to this article only and says "For the calculation of Vc in case of earthquake, see DBYBHY2007. "...After graduating in engineering, the learning process begins. The use of the theoretical information received is learned after this stage. Unfortunately, 4-year undergraduate education is not enough for a complex and responsible subject in civil engineering. Not everyone has the opportunity to do a master's degree, and it is not attractive as there is no practical benefit from doing it. In other words, no one pays more than 1 TL for a project just because you are an expert in medicine. Of course, there is no opportunity to develop and learn oneself because of the haste to make a living in the market..." I totally agree, one of my professors said, "The engineer has two basic problems; 1. rigidity, 2. salary" :) Mr. Suat, all that was written was not what I actually wanted to ask, these topics could be covered in more detail on another platform, perhaps. What I wanted to learn was the "Building Control Regulation Reinforced Concrete-Static Project Review Chart" in terms of its legal binding. " .... you are not the supervisor, you are the designer. What does the control mechanism do if a designer makes a column carrying two floors in his project or makes a cross section reduction in a wall (stairwell house) in this case, if the control mechanism accepts this project, what does public works do? These were the things I wanted to learn... otherwise I don't intend to discuss concepts such as earthquake and project design according to standards such as ts 500, ductility, rigidity, finding solutions in practice.... I don't want to discuss things like this, of course it needs to be discussed, but under another title. I expected it to happen... thank you for sharing your experiences and comments... work well cheers, respect...
Re: PROJECT DESIGN and PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Hello Mr. Mirza, The subject is a bit long, so I will answer it piece by piece. &quot;...The hollow floor beam can&#39;t be considered ductile anyway...&quot;[/i] how do we decide, is the expression of ductility only about the cross-section? Reinforcement ratios, wrapping reinforcements are more obvious parameters, aren&#39;t they? ductility by definition; &quot;It is the ability of a material, a section, an element or a structure to deform without a significant decrease in its bearing capacity and to consume energy under the effect of repeated loads&quot; (Adem DOĞAGÜN) If this is the definition, can it be said that the inertia of the section alone is not considered ductile? Because the effect/capacity (r) ratios are defined for the elements in determining the structural performance, which means a separate structural system behavior coefficient for each element, and it can be said from here that each section has a certain ductility, but this ductility is the same in every section or every element. it is not counted, while it is low in some elements, it may be high in some elements... (such as shear and column comparison)[/i][/i] In the design section of TDY, that is, in the first 6 sections, the ductility level is in the structural system and sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. defined by the fulfillment of the stated conditions. The structural performance you mentioned finds its expression in 7 sections and here it is requested that the individual elements be ductile. Any element is not allowed to come out brittle and it is required to be strengthened. If Ductility And <Vr ile kontrol edilir eleman bazında. Bahsettiğiniz r(etki/artık kapasite) eleman bazında tek tek kontrol edilir limit değere göre ve bu değerlendirmede etki hesaplanırken yapı geneli için yapı davranış katsayısı R=1 alınır ve bu analizden bulunan etki moment değerleri tüm elemanlar için kullanılır. Yani her eleman için ayrı bir taşıyıcı sistem davranış katsayısı yoktur. Böyle bir anlama sebep olacak bir hesaplama da yoktur. Tek bir R kullanılır tüm yapı için.
Asmolen döşemeli yapıdan kasıt tek başına asmolen döşeme kirişi değildir. Asmolen döşeme kirişini kısmi olarak sünek bir yapıda pek çok defa ben de kullandım ve yine forumda kapalı konsollardaki kolonları bağlamak için bir arkadaşa da önerdim. Burada kastedilen TDY madde de ifade bulan yapılardır. Tamamı asmolen döşeme kirişlerinden oluşan yapı ağır ve deplasman kapasitesi düşüktür. Sünek yapmak mümkün değilmi dir? mümkündür ancak! Yukarıda bahsettiğim yönetmelik bölümlerinin şartlarını tamamı asmolen bir yapıda gerçekleştirmek zordur. Pekçok arkadaşımız da bu uyarıları dikkate almadan bu tür yapıları deprem bölgelerinde kullanmaktadırlar. Özellikle madde 3.5 ve 0.4lb hatalarını dikkate almadan yapıyı sünek saymaktadırlar. Tüm bu maddeleri tek tek sağlarım diyorsanız bir diyeceğim yok ama benim önerim, asmolen yapıları yüksek sünek perdelerle kullanmanız ve alfa c' 0.75 tan aşağı düşürmemeniz bu tür yapılarda. Bu yönetmelikte yazmaz ama yönetmelik tüm detayların yerinde birebir uygulandığını ve usta hatalarının olmayacağını varsayar.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS FACED &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;...Can you remove the 8 cm cover from 25 cm, what do we have left as a column? 17 cm. Do you think it is enough?..&quot;[ /i] useful height is taken into account when calculating the reinforced concrete section of the section (d). is it enough? As for the question, how much is the N, V, M on it? What is the net height of the column? What are the classes of materials (concrete, steel) used?... I can tell by calculating whether they are sufficient according to these questions, but... &quot;&quot;&quot; In addition to the moment, axial load is effective in columns and also affects the moment capacity as can be seen in the interaction diagrams. Effective area of the column under axial load (although Ac is used in the formulation). Of course, it has a capacity, but that would be to deceive ourselves. I put a 25-gauge column and ensured the regulation. This argument is just one of the drawbacks of the 25-column. We print the column-beam junction plan details to show that the column reinforcements surround the beam reinforcement. to get into What should be done with the n beam stirrup? 14 or 13 cm? Do you think a beam with 14 cm stirrups can be 25? If the beam reinforcement connected to the column higher than 16 cm from the weak side does not continue in the other direction, how will it provide 0.4 lb horizontally? I would like to continue to enumerate these here, but you have many more questions to answer. I&#39;m also wondering why you are so insistent on a risky column size like 25! The cost of constructing 30/60 columns for an apartment with an average of 25/60 columns is 1 m3 of concrete in a flat, and it costs 85 TL. what about its contribution to horizontal carrying capacity? 70%. Think again.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;...I used body iron in every beam without exception...&quot; I think you did it based on your experience and I find it interesting, frankly, in regulations or What kind of a problem did you encounter that we could not come across in the books and you did such a thing, it is really surprising, I also want to learn something; did you use it on the forehead beams too? What good would it be? &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; One of our professors I have never forgotten when graduating from METU in 1989, but here too He said something that I can&#39;t write the whole thing (it can be misunderstood on his own). regulations were made to prevent blind people from falling into the pit, you open your eyes, don&#39;t fall into the pit, but don&#39;t just run. The body reinforcement is put for torsion. How many non-torsion beams do you think there are in a structure? If you mean the forehead beam, you mean the beam at the end of the closed exit, attention! serious torsion! Because of the tiling it carries one-way. Torsion calculations are also made in the most serious Idestatics because of the real three-dimensional analysis. In some other programs, they say that they do torsion calculations, but when I examine the moment diagrams, I see that they do not actually do it. Torsion and shear are brittle fracture types and are more dangerous. The only thing I do is out of regulation. These are not, before 1998, 20 columns could be built, but I never did. The earthquake curtain was almost never used, I used it a lot. But now these structures even meet the 2007 regulations. I recommend it to you. As for what kind of problem I see, Erzincan, Dinar, Merzifon, 1999 big earthquake After all the serious earthquakes like these, I visited and saw these problems.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;... But let&#39;s not forget that there is no distinction of specialization in civil engineering in our country. An engineer who has worked on the highway for 30 years can come and do a static project the next day. there is endless authority without looking at any qualifications. Regulations try to prevent such serious mistakes....&quot; you are absolutely right about this, I agree... but I think the problem is not with the legislation but with the universities, the spread of specialization, the last year of the universities or the last I am of the opinion that the choice of a branch in two years and the application of course programs that are weighted accordingly will make a great contribution to solving this problem. Because the Chamber of Civil Engineers once introduced the concept of competent engineering, and delusions that do not have a ready infrastructure...&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; A profession such as civil engineering that requires a very comprehensive and highly responsible experience cannot be taught in Turkey, as it is in the rest of the world, in 4 years. . When the emphasis is placed on practical training at the university, this time the theory remains incomplete. The only place where theory can be learned is at the university. It can only be learned through practice. Unfortunately, this cannot be done with show internships, because at that stage, the student has not received enough theory yet and does not know how to use the theory he has received. If he is lucky after graduation and turns to companies where he can grow well, not salary, then a good engineer can be trained in the subject he is trained in. This is such a broad subject that only structures, materials, etc. branches are not enough. Steel is a different expertise in construction, high-rise buildings are a different expertise, water structures are a separate expertise, bridges, tunnels, etc. are a separate expertise, underground structures etc. are not counted. Which one of these will you teach in 4 years? During this time, information can only be obtained to have an idea. The solution is a competent engineering law that will give the engineer the opportunity to work during a sufficient training period and provide sufficient means of living in this process. You will say, then, will he train salary in this process? Believe me, in this case, engineering will not be that cheap since everyone has no signing authority and everyone who works will get their due. This is the system in developed countries.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN and PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED &quot;...All of the issues you have listed have been prepared to minimize the mistakes that are not written in the regulation or clearly written, but which are frequently made by novice engineers in the market, which will have serious consequences... &quot; there is a statement that consoles inside buildings are avoided, and to give an example, a University Professor has signed a project that violates this clause. When he made his presentation, the civil engineers in the market were very surprised, but he explained both theoretically and practically. (If you say that our teacher is a novice engineer, he is different) In the same project, a beam whose cross-section changed without forming a support, and a column that overlaps the beam at the cross-section change point were made. and the photographs he showed were not theoretical or on the project, photographs from the application, the concrete poured molds were taken.... It would not be right for me to comment on this subject without knowing the subject fully, but I assume that our teacher did this by taking the necessary calculations and precautions. Failure to comply with the regulation does not mean that something is wrong. As I mentioned before, the regulation prevents people who do not know enough about the subject from making mistakes. No building of Mimar Sinan can be built with current regulations. The regulation does not allow these structures. In this case, we will say whether all the works of Mimar Sinan are wrong. The economic life of our buildings is 50 years, but Sinan&#39;s works have proven themselves for hundreds of years. Mihrimah Hatun Mosque has no lateral support domes, and only a 55 cm arch supports the huge dome. (Our teacher Erhan Karaesmen explains this in detail in his books). If we try to do this now because Sinan did it, the building will collapse on us because we may not be able to find the balance he created with his design and feelings. Since the regulation accepts that not everyone can be Sinan, it does not allow them. Of course, since those who wrote the regulation are not Sinan, it is also full of mistakes.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;...&quot;Sudden changes in stiffness in vertical load-bearing elements (such as the transformation of the shear into columns on the upper floors) are avoided. (Although the sections seem to be sufficient as a result of the calculation)&quot;....... Take a look at the Yapsat buildings, there are serious cracks in the consoles sitting on the floor in many of them. It was written for this reason. It was imposed because there were not enough engineers, you are right, but I wish all our engineers themselves did this. if they see the problem and impose it...&quot; I know projects prepared in this way both at the domestic and international level. It is an example of changing the cross-sections of columns and/or shear walls. You are on the top floor of the building. You are going to design the staircase house. You have 30/250 curtains up to the top floor. Wouldn&#39;t you go out by forming the ends of these curtains like columns for the staircase house only? Or is this defended, is the Building Inspection Project Inspection Sheet justified in not allowing this? No one would say anything to you doing what you said on the rooftop, but if you do it on the ground floor, you would be making a big mistake.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;... You should not be afraid of any building designed by a good engineer, but look around you who can read the earthquake code to the end. How many engineers are there? In the meantime, in order to be able to read earthquake regulations, structural dynamics, finite elements, theory of elasticity, and earthquake dynamics etc., which are graduate courses. I would like to remind you that you must have taken the courses... I did not take the courses you mentioned, but I don&#39;t think I had too much difficulty while reading the earthquake regulations. to shuffle three pages before and five pages after that formula as of my writing ;)&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39; I&#39;m happy for you, Congratulations... &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&quot;...Single Let&#39;s not make a mistake in this way even if it is two-storey. There are many single-storey or two-storey buildings destroyed in the Erzincan and Düzce earthquakes...&quot; I don&#39;t know if you had the opportunity to examine the concrete results of the collapsed structures, but they were not engineering structures. They were structures that they made by laying bricks and briquettes on top of each other and adding 6 pieces of iron to each column. These structures are not called reinforced concrete structures either, as Ugur Hoca puts it, &quot;... it is called corking iron with concrete and pouring it on the table...&quot; because there is an order in a reinforced concrete structure. The diameter of the reinforcement is arranged in a certain number of intervals, in a certain section, and then a classified concrete is poured according to a certain rule... Let me tell you about the 7-storey collapsed structure, the dimensions in the project were chosen, but the quality of the concrete, the random placement of the reinforcements and due to the incorrect placement of the concrete, the structure collapsed before the operating loads were loaded. Column sizes there were 35/80, 30/70, and there was a partial curtain in the building...&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; There were also many engineering structures. In many seminars, faulty projects were shown and explained. Destroyed official structures, those damaged by an obvious project error, those whose project is good but damaged in workmanship and materials, etc. These are all engineering issues anyway. They are the works of engineers who do not do their job well. (What the citizens do by themselves is not our subject.) &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;... Let me just give you one more example, when calculating the shear strength Vr, there is a Vc coefficient for the concrete admixture. For different values of this coefficient, in TS 500, He says, &quot;See TDY. You go to TDY. At the relevant point, see TS 500 for the different values of this coefficient. You go back and forth between two regulations. In this case, what would you do? Wouldn&#39;t you take this coefficient because there is no? Of course not. In this case, which coefficient leaves you on the safe side.&quot; you&#39;ll get it...&quot; I couldn&#39;t find an ambiguous statement in the regulation about Vc you mentioned, in the Earthquake Regulation; In the beam wrapping regions, if the shear force, which is only caused by earthquake loading, is greater than half of the shear force in the earthquake, Vc says, instead of canceling, only the shear force should be compensated with stirrups. TS 500 referred to this article only, it says, &quot;For the calculation of Vc in case of earthquake, see DBYBHY2007.. &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; There are two numbers you can find between TS 500 and TDY. 0 and 0.8 So where do we find the intermediate values? For example, the earthquake stress is not at the rate stipulated by the regulation, but I have received 0.5 because I do not trust concrete. &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39; &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;&quot;...After graduating in engineering, the learning process begins. The use of the theoretical information received is learned after this stage. Unfortunately, 4-year undergraduate education is not enough for a complex and responsible subject in civil engineering. Not everyone has the opportunity to do a master&#39;s degree, and it is not attractive as there is no practical benefit from doing it. In other words, no one pays more than 1 TL for a project just because you are an expert in medicine. Of course, there is no opportunity to develop and learn oneself because of the haste to make a living in the market...&quot; I totally agree, one of my professors said, &quot;The engineer has two basic problems; 1. stiffness, 2. salary&quot; :)&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; Here we agree. &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;Mr. Suat; all that was written was not what I actually wanted to ask, these topics could be covered in more detail on another platform, maybe. What I wanted to learn is &quot;Building Control Regulation Reinforced Concrete-Static Project Review Chart&quot; in terms of its legal binding.. .. you are not the supervisor, you are a designer as far as I understand. If a designer makes a column carrying two floors in his project or makes a cross section reduction in a curtain (stair house) what does the control mechanism do then, if the control mechanism accepts this project, what does public works do? that&#39;s all I want to learn otherwise, I don&#39;t intend to discuss concepts such as project design, ductility, rigidity, finding solutions in practice, etc. according to standards such as earthquake and TS 500. Of course, it should be discussed, but I would expect it to be under another heading. .. thank you for sharing your experiences and comments...&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; I think this last mentioned If your issues are not the main issues, what other people do, how the administrations behave are issues that can be corrected. We have already eliminated the erroneous points in this form by discussing it with the necessary places and explaining it in our own region. Sample; Suspension reinforcement TS 500 was also an old misapplication. This is clearly stated in Uğur Ersoy&#39;s books. In fact, it is stirrup tightening and body reinforcement. Again, this form presented the rigid diaphragm application as if it were mandatory. However, there are cases where the rigid diaphragm application causes an error. I wrote this and similar situations to the Public Works Technical Department, and in the interview I made, they stated that a new form was prepared, that they were aware of some of them and that they would be fixed, and that there were issues that they would take into account when I conveyed them. Greetings, good work, regards...[/quote]
Re: PROJECT DESIGN and PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED I wrote in another topic, but I will write it here as well, I would like to hear your advice. I am working on the solution of a 10-storey building. In general, I was told to carry 70 out of 100 of the shear forces to the curtains, in this way the frame system would be relaxed. I did so. The building carries 70-75 curtains in the x direction and y direction, but I may need to reduce the curtains in the x direction from architectural perspective. As such, alpha in the x direction decreases to around 58 percent, and there is an increase of around 1-1.5% in total equipment. Do you think I should add curtains elsewhere in the x direction? I think the amount of reinforcement in the sections defined as relieving the frame is lower. Can I have your recommendations?
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Dear Coşkun, If you upload your structure in its final form, we can talk more clearly. If I remember correctly, there was a situation in your building where the curtain loads were loaded on a single curtain. It is also important that this load is evenly distributed as much as the total percentage.
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED yes it was, I reduced that big screen and threw a screen on another axle, it was a balanced distribution, my project only exceeds 2 mb now. I can&#39;t add it here, how can we do? Should I save it as a different file and download it to a single floor and add it here, copy it to 10 floors after you receive it, or send it by mail etc?
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED It was in the form of 2basement+z+7... I deleted the other floors and added them to the site as a single floor... otherwise I couldn&#39;t get them below 2mb... I can make columns on 10 axis curtains, but this time the alpha goes down between 0.55-0.60... You recommended it between 0.70-75. Since I did not solve a high-rise building project, I think to follow your advice, but there have been a lot of curtains ... our district has not seen such things ... I cannot reduce the columns due to architectural problems, there are obviously unnecessary columns on the N and D axis. But I can&#39;t take it...what are your recommendations? Should I not convert it to colon?
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Dear Coşkun, there are frameworks in your structure. I said that 75% of the earthquake was carried by the curtains in case the frames could not be formed properly. There is no need for this for this structure at the moment, but I saw a lot of studs in the structure, especially in front of P05 and P06, there were studs at a short distance. I recommend that you eliminate these studs by lengthening these curtains, where shear cracks may occur. If you can reduce the other studs by extending the columns or adding additional columns where possible, your structure will be healthier. The curtains in the building are not bad, evenly distributed. This situation is good, I think there is no such exaggeration. Your periods are also compatible for a 10-floor building. I think some of the beams were larger than the column he stepped on to save them from cutting. This is not a pleasant situation. Either increase the column to these dimensions, or (I suggest) accept that such high shear short beams will crack and perform a cracked section stiffness reduction. (0.4 EI) so they take less impact and you can recover with a smaller size. I think you will make raft the foundation. I would not recommend making a section less than 110 cm. Note: They do not accept 20 in the butt beams at the ends of the closed overhangs, you need to make 25. Good luck with.
&quot;suatyy&quot;:3qd634pj&quot; said:
Mr. Coşkun, frames were formed in your building. I said that 75% of the earthquake was carried by the curtains in case the frames could not be formed properly. Currently, this is the case for this structure. no need, but I saw a lot of studs in the structure, especially in front of P05 and P06, there were studs in a short distance. I recommend you to eliminate these studs by lengthening these curtains. Shear cracks may occur here. If you can reduce other studs by extending the columns or adding additional columns, your building will be healthier. The curtains are not bad, evenly distributed. This situation is good, I think it&#39;s not an exaggeration. Your periods are also suitable for a 10-storey building. I think some beams were larger than the column they stepped in to save them from cutting. This is not a nice situation. Either increase the column to these dimensions or Assume that such high shear short beams (which I suggest) will crack, and the cracked section is rigid. reduce k. (0.4 EI) so they take less impact and you can recover with a smaller size. I think you will make raft the foundation. I would not recommend making a section less than 110 cm. Note: They do not accept 20 in the butt beams at the ends of the closed overhangs, you need to make 25. take it easy.
Mr. Suatyy Can you explain more about the case of not forming frames? Let&#39;s be careful in the next projects. Are you talking about the case that the columns are not connected with the beams? I can&#39;t stretch the curtains, there are ventilation windows in those parts. I was thinking of reducing the beam sizes by doing stiffness reduction as you said, I will follow your advice. Isn&#39;t the raft basically 110 cm too high? When I look at the calculations, a 70-75 cm raft saves with additional reinforcements. I tried to solve it with the rafter raft, but it did not save even though the sections grew too much. Regards, take it easy
Re: PROJECT DESIGN AND PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Dear Coşkun, yes, I couldn&#39;t see a regular horizontal load transfer mechanism since it was a discontinuous frame that did not connect between columns and did not continue too much. The situation is better now, but as I said earlier there are short distance studs (studs made at shorter distance than the beam depth) and frames being cut which I think can be fixed. It would be better if you fix these as well. It would be better if you make a preliminary design for the raft according to 10 cm for each floor. Do not be too precise in the calculations on the basis (the ground is a very approximate calculation that does not come into precision). In a 10-floor building, I saw many projects (made with other programs) that said they saved the 50 cm raft (6*8m) slab that did not fail and the 3m slab console with 15 cm slabs in calculations. I recommend that you find a solution to the issue of non-extendable curtains, it is very risky this way. Greetings
&quot;suatyy&quot;:2ftwycw5&quot; said:
Mr. Coşkun, yes I could not see a regular horizontal load transfer mechanism since it is a discontinuous frame that does not connect between columns and does not continue much. good, but as I said before, there are short-range studs (studs made from a shorter distance than the beam depth) and there are cases of cutting frames that I think can be corrected. It would be better if you fix these, the system. It would be better if you pre-design the raft according to 10 cm for each floor. (The floor is a very approximate calculation that does not take into account precision calculations). I recommend you to find a solution to the issue of non-extendable curtains, it is very risky this way Greetings
Dear Suatyy I will try to follow your recommendations as much as possible, thank you for your interest. The height of my building reaches 30m. Do I need to apply the wind load only to the upper floors? I have a shortcoming on this subject, but I couldn&#39;t find anything on this subject in the forum. How do I do the wind load? As far as I know, it is in the floor parameters section, but I do not know how it is applied. Respects