... You should not be afraid of any building designed by a good engineer, but look around you who can read the earthquake code to the end. How many engineers are there? In the meantime, in order to be able to read earthquake regulations, structural dynamics, finite elements, theory of elasticity, and earthquake dynamics etc., which are graduate courses. I would like to remind you that you must have taken the courses... I did not take the courses you mentioned, but I don't think I had too much difficulty while reading the earthquake regulations. to shuffle three pages before and five pages after that formula as of my writing

''''''''' I'm happy for you, Congratulations... '''''''''
"...Single Let's not make a mistake in this way even if it is two-storey. There are many single-storey or two-storey buildings destroyed in the Erzincan and Düzce earthquakes..." I don't know if you had the opportunity to examine the concrete results of the collapsed structures, but they were not engineering structures. They were structures that they made by laying bricks and briquettes on top of each other and adding 6 pieces of iron to each column. These structures are not called reinforced concrete structures either, as Ugur Hoca puts it, "... it is called corking iron with concrete and pouring it on the table..." because there is an order in a reinforced concrete structure. The diameter of the reinforcement is arranged in a certain number of intervals, in a certain section, and then a classified concrete is poured according to a certain rule... Let me tell you about the 7-storey collapsed structure, the dimensions in the project were chosen, but the quality of the concrete, the random placement of the reinforcements and due to the incorrect placement of the concrete, the structure collapsed before the operating loads were loaded. Column sizes there were 35/80, 30/70, and there was a partial curtain in the building..."""""""" There were also many engineering structures. In many seminars, faulty projects were shown and explained. Destroyed official structures, those damaged by an obvious project error, those whose project is good but damaged in workmanship and materials, etc. These are all engineering issues anyway. They are the works of engineers who do not do their job well. (What the citizens do by themselves is not our subject.) """"""
"... Let me just give you one more example, when calculating the shear strength Vr, there is a Vc coefficient for the concrete admixture. For different values of this coefficient, in TS 500, He says, "See TDY. You go to TDY. At the relevant point, see TS 500 for the different values of this coefficient. You go back and forth between two regulations. In this case, what would you do? Wouldn't you take this coefficient because there is no? Of course not. In this case, which coefficient leaves you on the safe side." you'll get it..." I couldn't find an ambiguous statement in the regulation about Vc you mentioned, in the Earthquake Regulation; In the beam wrapping regions, if the shear force, which is only caused by earthquake loading, is greater than half of the shear force in the earthquake, Vc says, instead of canceling, only the shear force should be compensated with stirrups. TS 500 referred to this article only, it says, "For the calculation of Vc in case of earthquake, see DBYBHY2007.. """""" There are two numbers you can find between TS 500 and TDY. 0 and 0.8 So where do we find the intermediate values? For example, the earthquake stress is not at the rate stipulated by the regulation, but I have received 0.5 because I do not trust concrete. '''''' ''''
"...After graduating in engineering, the learning process begins. The use of the theoretical information received is learned after this stage. Unfortunately, 4-year undergraduate education is not enough for a complex and responsible subject in civil engineering. Not everyone has the opportunity to do a master's degree, and it is not attractive as there is no practical benefit from doing it. In other words, no one pays more than 1 TL for a project just because you are an expert in medicine. Of course, there is no opportunity to develop and learn oneself because of the haste to make a living in the market..." I totally agree, one of my professors said, "The engineer has two basic problems; 1. stiffness, 2. salary"

""""""" Here we agree. """""""Mr. Suat; all that was written was not what I actually wanted to ask, these topics could be covered in more detail on another platform, maybe. What I wanted to learn is "Building Control Regulation Reinforced Concrete-Static Project Review Chart" in terms of its legal binding.. .. you are not the supervisor, you are a designer as far as I understand. If a designer makes a column carrying two floors in his project or makes a cross section reduction in a curtain (stair house) what does the control mechanism do then, if the control mechanism accepts this project, what does public works do? that's all I want to learn otherwise, I don't intend to discuss concepts such as project design, ductility, rigidity, finding solutions in practice, etc. according to standards such as earthquake and TS 500. Of course, it should be discussed, but I would expect it to be under another heading. .. thank you for sharing your experiences and comments..."""""" I think this last mentioned If your issues are not the main issues, what other people do, how the administrations behave are issues that can be corrected. We have already eliminated the erroneous points in this form by discussing it with the necessary places and explaining it in our own region. Sample; Suspension reinforcement TS 500 was also an old misapplication. This is clearly stated in Uğur Ersoy's books. In fact, it is stirrup tightening and body reinforcement. Again, this form presented the rigid diaphragm application as if it were mandatory. However, there are cases where the rigid diaphragm application causes an error. I wrote this and similar situations to the Public Works Technical Department, and in the interview I made, they stated that a new form was prepared, that they were aware of some of them and that they would be fixed, and that there were issues that they would take into account when I conveyed them. Greetings, good work, regards...[/quote]