Hello Nedim, Is it because the "block" command you asked is not blocking is not active for Revision cloud?"NYILMAZ":20dpbr6a" said:Cannot block Revision cloud (mu?)
Yes, it is not active and it does not block when you select the objects that contain the revision cloud and block them."HakanŞahin":1sugc92m" said:Hello Nedim, Is the "block" command you asked about not blocking not active for the Revision cloud?"NYILMAZ":1sugc92m" said:Unable to block revision cloud. (mu?)
Hi, disable the "Master plan settings/Retrieve selected objects option" and get the mold plan. Good work"KUBA2009":2p89n9sn" said:I can import all the drawings in the attached project, but I can't import the mold plan, where is the problem, I couldn't find it ?
Hello, dear concerned. wrep I shared a few problems in the comments and questions section about the use of architecture 7. I think there is no interest there. On 29.05.2012, that is, 21 days ago, I conveyed that a domain account could not be made in wrep, but I guess this problem was not looked at in the new version. Scanning route operations cannot be performed based on the domain account. While another friend of mine is using it. I need to operate with a domain account, scan, command in another project, but I can't."KUBA2009":2nb8zyp9" said:Cannot calculate the area in ideCAD Wrep 7.016. After clicking the first point, we cannot continue.
All messages are read and the content of the messages is evaluated, regardless of the architectural or static forum. Good work"KUBA2009":21ehmf0d" said:wrep in the comments section about the use of architecture 7, but I think there is no interest there.
"Oznb":23vhfjc6" said:in version 7.017. After selecting the object, pressing the esc key seems to be selected and the selection is canceled when the screen is zoomed in. I didn't have such a problem in the old version. What should I do. There is no problem. There may be a display problem. Have you made any changes regarding the video card? It may be necessary to update the video card drivers. It may be related to the project settings. For example, you can open a new project with the template project and try it... If the problem is related to the project, you can attach the project file to the message .
"Admin":2sb20vwt" said:ideCAD WREP program is prepared to be used to print out existing projects.
thanks for your interest . Since no information was given in the architectural part, I had to write it here. and the answer came, thanks."HakanŞahin":1omt3cvn" said:Hi, I shared a few problems inArchitecture or static forum All messages are read regardless of the difference and the content of the messages is evaluated. Good work"KUBA2009":1omt3cvn" said:wrep in the comments and questions section about the use of architecture 7, but I guess there is no interest there.
Hi, the reinforcement type top+bottom reinforcement should be selected in the beamless raft foundation design. When the reinforcement type is selected as Flat+Pleat, negative moment in the support area and positive moment value in the span is checked. However, positive or negative moment can occur in any region of the foundation. Moreover, in the flat+pile option, the reinforcement design is made only according to the moments where the calculation axis passes. The moment values in other parts of the foundation not taken into account. Good work"jumboss":3uyh9ffi" said:hello, I searched the forum but still couldn't find a clear answer. Is there any harm in making the pile+flat in the raft basic design? There is 20 tons of iron difference between the pile+flat design and the flat one on top of the other. When you design with pillars, does the program check whether there is a need for reinforcement in areas where there is no reinforcement at the bottom (the areas where the pillar is broken) or not?
Hello, In cassette and rib flooring, the teeth expansions are based on the flooring names, the axles are not shown as you asked. You wrote a message to the forum about this subject; your request It was recorded at that time. Good work..."oya":25n9jevl" said:Can we see the axles in the cassette beam expansions?