Opinions questions about using ideCAD Static 7

"Oznb":35sd6dy5" said:
1- how to enter soil layers in pile foundation system..?
It is entered in the Ground Layers dialog under the Settings menu. A row will be entered for each soil layer depending on the height. One soil along the height If the type is valid, a single line will be entered
"Oznb":35sd6dy5" said:
2-Sorting from bottom to top or top to bottom...?
Sorting will be from top to bottom... ground layer floor usually starts from the defined zero level.
"Oznb":35sd6dy5" said:
3- How do I find the vertical spring factor Kv value..?
On page 6 of the attached document, figure 7B and sy:7, 8 and 9 depending on it. (pile foundations_21-bf-7silva.pdf : document is in English)
"Oznb":35sd6dy5" said:
4-Does the value with adhesion factor 0.45 change according to the soil ..?
In the attached document, p:10 and check more. (stakes.pdf) Good work...
Detections reported in this topic on the forum and fixed in version 7.014:
"oaydın":6u09jr6q" said:
I think the overheating problem was not completely resolved in the last version, I reinstalled the previous beta version and I continue. /quote]
"oaydın":6u09jr6q" said:
could you download the previous beta version... I couldn't find it on the forum.....thank you in advance.
New version 7.014 has been released. You can download it....
"ahmetozates":6u09jr6q" said:
greetings I'm using idestatic version 7.013 I draw polygon column but it doesn't save your information
Newly defined polygon columns can be saved
"dester":6u09jr6q" said:
Last updated After installing 7.013, my video card started to overheat and make noise. The fan is running constantly. In the previous version, there was no such problem.
"oyuxel":6u09jr6q" said:
there was no such problem when beta was installed, but when I installed the update, the fan works like crazy, the machine gets heavy and it detects commands late, so its efficiency drops a lot.
"2m project":6u09jr6q" said:
I am also having the same slowdown problem. Although it seems that there is no slowness when the program is run, 10-15% of the processor is used while it is not performing any operation. During the zoom-out and scrolling process in the plan window, the CPU usage reaches 100%.
"nahroyo":6u09jr6q" said:
idestatic In 7.001, there was information for that menu when using the mouse on the menus, why was it removed in 7.013? It would be great to have this feature again... ? is there any setting ?
"oyuxel":6u09jr6q" said:
'change text' command is a command we use a lot and there is no such key on the keyboard. Can we add the keyboard command to the idecadalias.txt file for this command, please? It is also requested to assign a shortcut to basics.
textedit, tedit textchange, yd basic, tt sfooting, sf
"KIRAÇ YAPI":6u09jr6q" said:
The program may be stuck after working for a while. IT IS NOT WORKING WHAT CAN BE CAUSED THE SYSTEM I AM USING Intel i7-2600 64 bit Windows 7 8 GB RAM GTX 560
I entered a project with b+z+5 floors, vis vik values y direction 0 in the report +5% -5%Kat Vis1 Vik1 ¿ai1 5. FLOOR 7.39 7.39 1.00 14.53 14.53 1.00 4th FLOOR 71.64 71.64 1.00 74.79 74.79 1.00 3. FLOOR 117.99 117.99 1.00 108.83 108.83 1.00 2nd FLOOR 155.99 155.99 1.00 142.44 142.44 1.00 1st FLOOR 185.65 185.65 1.00 169.70 169.70 1.00 GROUND FLOOR 206.77 206.77 1.00 190.56 190.56 1.00 BASEMENT FLOOR 219.27 219.27 24.219 1.00 0 9 DIRECTIONS 206.77 206.77 DIRECTIONS 20.29 1.00 V 09 FLOOR VISIBILITY 20.27 1 0 0 1 4th FLOOR 0 0 1 0 0 1 3rd FLOOR 0 0 1 0 0 1 2nd FLOOR 0 0 1 0 0 1 1st FLOOR 0 0 1 0 0 1 GROUND FLOOR 0 0 1 0 0 1 BASEMENT FLOOR 0 0 1 0 0 1 doesn't it need to be like the x direction in these values, I solved it in 20 mode, I couldn't understand why the structure was caused, I can't send the file size too big even with cde extension.
"sonerizgi":1amzlqja" said:
b+z+5 floors I entered a project in the report vis vik values y direction 0 is not required, these values do not need to be like x direction I solved the structure in 20 mode I could not understand why the file size is quite large even with cde extension I can not send it if you inform me I'm glad
Could you have chosen mixed ductility level in Y direction? When ductility level is mixed, you design columns as normal ductility level... then vis, vik ratios are not taken into consideration...
[If the project is large, send it to [email protected]. If it is much larger, there are file sharing sites, you can upload it there and give the link.] I sent the file to your address as rar 3 part under the name of vis vik, thank you for your interest... :D
"sonerizgi":2a8koqti" said:
I sent the file to your address as rar 3 part under the name of vis vik, thank you for your interest...
Hello, While the response spectrum option is active, a problem occurs as you wrote about Vis/Vik in the reporting phase. It has been added. You can analyze the Vis/Vik ratios by analyzing and reporting with the mod combination option. We also wrote a reply to the email you sent. Good work...
hello, first of all, I would like to thank you for the changes made in ide7 and for your interest... my problem is that although I included the ladder in the structure and analyzed, there were no ladder results in the reports... even the ladder accessories are not visible.
"dexana":2zsmwpgi" said:
hi, first of all, I would like to thank you for the changes made in ide7 and for your interest... my problem is that although I included the ladder in the structure and analyzed, there were no ladder results in the reports... even the ladder reinforcements are not visible if you could help me solve my problem I would appreciate it... good work....
Hello, If you have defined the stair reinforcement axes and if the stair report is marked in the optional reports dialog, the stairs should also appear when the General Report is received. You can add the project file if necessary. Good work.
"mehmetdindas":3fo2ar6q" said:
Do you plan to create a help like "Symbols used in printouts and their explanations" in old versions?
Hello, you know, since version 6, the formulas and symbols used in the printouts are printed at the top of each page in the report. ... Is there a lack of explanation?
I encountered a problem in the last version that while moving the text or lines on the plans and details transferred to 2 dimensions, the mouse wants to move in the direction of 90 degrees or 45 degrees (generally), I cannot carry it comfortably and freely as in the old versions. If this is how you did it, it's useful to fix it, the transportation process cannot be done comfortably and freely, regards, good work
Due to the new possibility of polar tracking, the mouse wants to jump to certain angles. In such cases, you can turn off polar tracking from Settings->general settings. We will also add polar tracking on and off as a shortcut to the F10 key in the next version.