Opinions questions about the use of Reinforced Concrete Design

Re: Opinions about using ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"Levent Özpak":357g9am6" said:
Hello, both idecad Statik 7 and idecad static 8 versions are compatible with TDY 2007. On the other hand, program improvements in 8 version made and new possibilities added.8 version possibilities can be accessed from the links below.
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Good work
thanks for your answer I don't have a problem with build control then I think it's in the reports
Re: Opinions about using ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions Is it possible to add shift pressing feature that temporarily cancels the steepness while the steepness command is active?
Re: Opinions about using ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"bartayd":18t3psfx" said:
Is it possible to add shift pressing feature that temporarily cancels the steepness while the vertical command is active?
This possibility is available in the program. You can assign a shortcut to the vertical mode with the /Customize command.For example, if you assign "shift+D", when you press the relevant keys, the command will be inactive when active and active when inactive.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions Hello, Shear horizontal reinforcements do not penetrate into the column they are inserted into as much as the clamping length. If the column width is less than the clamping length, shouldn't the reinforcement be squared? The relevant model is attached.
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Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"EmreT":15nmsa5i" said:
Hi, Shear horizontal reinforcements do not penetrate into the column they are inserted into as much as the clamping length. The model is attached
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Hello Emre, In case of insufficient clamping length on the curtains, it is among our notes to make a square. Thank you for your notification.
Colon_Aplikasyon_Sorunu Hello Friends, I upgraded to the new 8 version yesterday, but the column does not give the curtain expansions while receiving the application, I don't know if the issue has been opened before, but how can we fix it...
Re: Opinions about using ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions Hello, I have been using another static analysis program for many years, but I recently switched to idestatic 8.5. In terms of analysis, I can say that he analyzes really fast, but when it comes to drawings, things are a bit difficult. In terms of drawing, I think that each element on each sheet should be on separate layers. It should be different from the beam and column names layer in the beam expansions and the column and beam names layer on the floor palm. At the same time, the names of the objects and the lines of the objects are separate in their layers. Probably the answer will be as follows "you can edit your drawings in idecad", but everyone knows that no one properly edits their drawings through idecad. Almost everyone uses a 3rd party cad program. I hope that over time, the improvements related to this layer will take place without too much delay. Good work...
Re: Opinions and questions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 I have been using the products of ideYapın for about 25 years. From time to time we have criticism and suggestions. If you follow the forum well, you will see that many criticisms and suggestions are recorded and even addressed and fulfilled. I have also had some recommendations about Layerlers from time to time. But in general, these are arbitrary things. Otherwise, as you say:
"deformation":1pb2yxwr" said:
but everyone knows that no one properly edits their drawings on idecad. Almost everyone uses a 3rd party cad program. u]I don't use any 3rd or 5th party programs in my drawings. There are times when I transfer the drawings that came with the programs into IdeCAD and make edits there. Of course, ideYAPI R&D staff will take into account what you say. If you make your suggestion by specifying what you want to do and how you can't, it will be easier for the R&D to deal with the issue accordingly. I think some arrangements can be made about layers. But only "no one" ideCAD doesn't edit it either" that's all I got stuck on your word. Take it easy, good work
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions I agree with NYILMAZ, I handle my work without needing any other program than ide. You have to be fair when criticizing.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions Just like you said, I agree that it is about habit, just like you, you are used to it, you do it with it. It is meaningless to understand the sentence from anywhere and walk through it, like magazine reporters. He was nobody, he was going to be the right person. When I said no one properly, I wanted to point out that not everyone does editing in idecad, but the majority of them use other programs. Of course, there will be those who do everything on it like you. You may have used idecad in editing your drawings as a minority, but this does not mean that everyone uses it like you do. In addition, the fact that you do not use any program other than idecad in your drawings does not mean that idecad drawings are as fast as a 3rd party program. There is no need to make a challenge here, frankly, let's bring the best project we have drawn with the 3rd party program at idecad, let's compare and see which one is better. I don't think it's necessary to talk more about this subject. I critiqued whether the R&D department develops it or not, it's their business. As for the fairness aspect of the work, if you could have a little information about the drawings of the static analysis program I used before, which were converted to dwg format, you could compare how right or wrong we were. Good job everyone, respect.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"deformation":2eez3o87" said:
Just like you said, I agree that it's about habit, just like you, you are used to it, you do it with it. Like magazine reporters, you can understand the sentence from anywhere you want. And it's pointless to walk over it. It's not anyone. It was going to be a decent person. When I said nobody properly, I meant that not everyone was editing in idecad, most of them were using other programs. Of course, there will be people like you who do everything on it. As a minority, you may have used idecad in editing your drawings, but this is not everyone's business. It doesn't mean that he uses it like you do. Also, the fact that you don't use any program other than idecad in your drawings doesn't mean that idecad's drawings are as fast as the 3rd party program. There's no need to make a challenge here, to be honest, come on, come on, come on, come on, you are the best idecad I have drawn with the 3rd party program. Let's bring the good project, let's compare and see which one that i better. I don't think it's necessary to talk more about this subject. I critiqued whether the R&D department develops it or not, it's their business. As for the fairness aspect of the work, if you could have a little information about the drawings of the static analysis program I used before, which were converted to dwg format, you could compare how right or wrong we were. Good work, best regards to everyone.
Hello, Every criticism, request and/or determination written in the Forum is followed and noted by our R&D team. Thank you for your attention. We can give you more accurate answers if you specify concretely what are the issues that you cannot handle in idecad. What are the arrangements that you can not normally make in idecad, but make in a 3rd party program?
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"deformation":4qgecrnw" said:
Just like you said, I agree that it is about habit, just like you, you are used to it, you are using it. And it's pointless to walk over it. It's not anyone. It was going to be a decent person. When I said nobody properly, I meant that not everyone was editing in idecad, most of them were using other programs. Of course, there will be people like you who do everything on it. As a minority, you may have used idecad in editing your drawings, but this is not everyone's business. It doesn't mean that he uses it like you do. Also, the fact that you don't use any program other than idecad in your drawings doesn't mean that idecad's drawings are as fast as the 3rd party program. There's no need to make a challenge here, to be honest, come on, come on, come on, come on, you are the best idecad I have drawn with the 3rd party program. Let's bring the good project, let's compare and see which one that i better. I don't think it's necessary to talk more about this subject. I critiqued whether the R&D department develops it or not, it's their business. As for the fairness aspect of the work, if you could have a little information about the drawings of the static analysis program I used before, which were converted to dwg format, you could compare how right or wrong we were. Have a nice work everyone, regards.
Dear deformation, I don't understand why you are so sensitive and excuse my words. No tabloids, tweezers, let's draw or something... Frankly, I couldn't understand... When you wrote that, I re-read what I wrote. I wonder if I used a disrespectful sentence against this friend. I could not see. There was a predictive generalization when you wrote it. I talked about my own reality. I also added your own sentence. Besides "any decent person", you also had the following sentence "almost everyone" . I think this criticism is very unfair and generalization is not correct. In order not to create a different perception among users, I wrote an answer within the limits of courtesy by giving an example from myself. Afterwards, I wrote that I agree with some of the issues you said, and that if something more descriptive is written, argen can be more easily addressed. I don't understand why you are so angry. Do I have a disrespectful word or not? Is there an insult or not? Dear deformation, I apologize if you still think it is.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions Hello friends, I have modeled a project by dividing it into 3, can we combine these models in a single file. Also, when I name the axis after the axis that I have specified as the secondary axis, it also takes that axis into account. Then there is a problem with the numbers. Is there a solution for this or I couldn't find it.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"NYILMAZ":3eq2hpjh" said:
Dear deformation, I don't understand why you are so offended and excuse my words. ... Frankly, I couldn't understand... When you wrote like that, I re-read what I wrote. I wonder if I used a disrespectful sentence against this friend. I couldn't see. When you wrote there was a generalization based on guesswork. I was talking about the reality I lived. Moreover, I put your own sentence. Besides "any decent person", you also had a sentence that continued as "almost everyone" . This criticism is very unfair and I don't think the generalization is correct. I'm thinking about it. I wrote an answer within the limits of courtesy, giving an example from myself so that users do not have a different perception. Afterwards, I wrote that I agree with some of the things you said, that if something more descriptive is written, argen would be able to address the subject more easily. I did not understand you. Do I have a disrespectful word or not? Is there an insult or not? Dear deformation, if you still think it is, I apologize.
I apologize, I think we should not prolong this issue any longer, there is no point in filling the support forum with even more meaningless words. do not worry.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"HakanŞahin":16kv1rxt" said:
Hello, Every criticism, request and/or determination written in the forum is followed and noted by our R&D team. Thank you for your attention. We can give you more accurate answers if you specify concretely what are the issues that you can't handle in idecad. What are the edits that you can't normally make in idecad but that you make in a 3rd party program?
I am using a global 3rd party program and I would like it to be fully compatible with the static analysis program I am using.For example, when we export column vertical expansions as dwg, I would prefer that column lines and column texts are on a separate layer instead of being on the same layer. Circle objects around the axis name of the axis line and the axis name. I would prefer even n layers to be separate. because when I export as dwg, I have to arrange all of them separately for each floor in terms of visual richness of my project. I hope there will be improvements in this direction. Thank you for your interest.
Re: Opinions about the use of ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions IT WAS DUE TO THE DISCUSSION IN THE FORUM... I WRITE A MESSAGE TWICE, NO ONE WAS SEEN TO GET INFORMATION :)
Re: Opinions about using ideCAD Reinforced Concrete 8 questions
"zalman":3gf8x8um" said:
Hi friends, I modeled a project I have by dividing it into 3, can we combine these models in a single file..
Hello, you can use "Copy to file" and "Paste from File" commands.
When I name after the axis that I have specified as the secondary axis, it names the axis taking into account that axis. Then there is a problem with the numbers. Is there a solution for this or I couldn't find it[ /quote] You can select the axles other than the secondary axle and use the "auto-naming" command Good work
Re: Column_Aplikasyon_Sorunu
"zalman":1f9am1rp" said:
Hi Friends, I upgraded to the new 8 version yesterday, but the column doesn't show curtain expansions when using the application, I don't know if it was opened before, but how can we fix it...
Hello, If the situation you are talking about is that the curtain reinforcement details are not given outside in the column application plan, you can get the column application plan by selecting the "draw detail block" option in the Drawing tab from the properties of the curtains.