Download ideCAD Structural v10.93

Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published Hello
"yusuf15hira17":8cbgf1j7" said:
the program does not analyze the project I have sent attached, and the program closes.I wonder why?
Delete the ground floor K11 beam at the bottom Give it in the floor formwork plan Unver ÖZCAN
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published thank you the problem has been fixed..
"unver":2n3cm21g" said:
"yusuf15hira17":2n3cm21g" said:
the project I sent in attachment does not analyze, it closes program. I wonder why?
Delete the ground floor K11 beam and give it in the lower floor formwork plan. Unver ÖZCAN
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Released hello ; Can there be a cross stirrup preference in the 1st square columns as I have attached in the new upcoming version? 2. We are making the stirrups of the small curtain piece on the L-shaped curtain heads by hand, can you give this program? When we want to make double stirrups in large 3rd sized columns, I want to remove the 2nd stirrup from the middle, but the program gives it in 2 pieces of the same size from the middle. Is it possible to make a full stirrup of the column and a small stirrup in the middle?
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published
"yusuf15hira17":3cszs1sd" said:
merhaaba, can there be a cross-stirrup preference in the 1st square columns as I have attached in the new upcoming version. We are making the stirrups of the curtain piece by hand, can the program provide this. When we want to make double stirrups on large 3rd sized columns, I want to remove the 2nd stirrup from the middle, but the program gives it as 2 pieces of the same size from the middle. Is it possible to make the column as a full stirrup and a small stirrup from the middle.
Hello Cross stirrup drawing is given only in square columns, when there is longitudinal reinforcement right in the middle of the edge.Your other requests are among our notes.
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Released For example, in a hollow block project, if a wall does not pass over the beams, wouldn't it be more logical to take the load of the beam to 0? However, this time, B1 irregularity will occur. This time, we have to calculate the wall areas ourselves and enter the program, right?
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Released Have a nice day. In the project I have done, there are deficiencies from the construction control. In the report, the pleat drawing of some beams seems to be faulty. can you help me?
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UNNAME_PROJE.rar.html K432-433-434-435 pleat drawing is wrong in beam expansion K411 cantilever beam in system defined as. A situation that caused system uncertainty caused a beam spread error. K114-K115 console worked-K111 console worked, expansion is faulty. assembly-upper reinforcement is zero. Is it okay if we don't throw a beam in the twilight on the stairs? It is said that the building control beam has to be thrown.
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published It's a good thing YapıControl has sent this project back. REMODEL. Unver ÖZCAN
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published
"batuhann28522":3dlkzsmx" said:
Good afternoon, there are deficiencies in the project that I have done from the construction control. In the report, the pile drawing of some beams seems to be wrong. can you help? [ url=][/url]UNNAME_PROJE.rar.html K432-433-434-435 pile drawing is incorrect in beam expansion K411 is used as cantilever beam in the system defined. A situation that caused system uncertainty caused beam expansion error. K114-K115 console worked-K111 console worked, expansion was faulty. assembly-upper reinforcement was zero. Can we not throw beams in the stairwell? It is said that the building inspection beam has to be thrown.[/quote ] Didn't even look at the building inspection system.It got stuck with schematic (formal) errors.However, although there is no frame behavior in the building, it was solved as a beamed plate.
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published The outer columns should be connected to each other to form the frame and the inner. (In some cities, if the outer columns do not form a framework, Building Controls and Municipalities do not accept the projects. In my opinion, the right decision.) Ünver ÖZCAN
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published
"unver":3407nezb" said:
External columns should be connected to each other to form a frame, and inside (In some cities, Building Controls and Municipalities do not accept projects if the external columns do not form a framework. It's the right decision for me.) Ünver ÖZCAN
It is accepted that there is no problem in the frame.
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published My Suggestions:
"batuhann28522":3hgear6i" said:
The frame is considered to be OK and not created. I have other problems or complaints I wrote, can you help me. There is no design problem city-wide Without such a framework
It is a very wrong acceptance in my opinion. (About 34 years ago, columns were crushed in the corners of a building in the same condition without an earthquake. I examined the building on site. Picture is attached) Remove the pillars on the beams. I have not used pillars for 20 years
" batuhann28522":3hgear6i" said:
Is it okay if we don't throw a beam on the stairwell? It is said that the building control beam has to be thrown away.
Since there are curtains on both sides, the stairs can be supported on the curtains. Unver ÖZCAN
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published Unver Bey, I think you don't make yourself miserable for nothing. Never mind, why are you examining projects? Look, the engineer who will sign it says there is no problem, you are still showing examples (!) There is no need to act modestly by saying "I think it is wrong". A WRONG decision you know.
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published After Risky Building Analysis report appears on the screen, when I want to get a report again after saving the project, the program closes.
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published
"Mahmut Şengül":1x3129rx" said:
After Risky Building Analysis report appears on the screen, when I want to get a report again after saving the project, the program closes.
Hello , We did not create this situation on our own computers. You can add your project so we can understand if it is a project-specific situation, or you can call our Bursa office and show our technical support team the status by having our technical support team connect to your computer remotely. You can use the software to get remote support:
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Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published Although the elevator machine room Hn is not included in the height calculations, it appears to be included in the Hn height in the calculation outputs.
Re: ideCAD Static IDS v10.14 Published
"Oznb":33t8hqr8" said:
Elevator engine room Hn is not included in the height calculations, but it appears to be included in the Hn height in the calculation printouts.
Floor Checking the "Elevator/Machine room" option in the General Settings dialog is effective in determining the Building Height Class (BYS).The marked floor is not included in the building height class control, it is taken into account in the building analysis.