Did you know that? (Hint)

In cases where you want to use the settings of an object in another object of the same type, you can copy the settings of the object with the command "Get Settings from Object" , [ You can also transfer those settings to another object with the u]"Give Object Settings"[/u] command.
You can zoom in and out by using the + (plus) and - (minus) keys on your 2-dimensional drawing pages (like plan, section, etc.).
  • - To zoom, press + (plus) on the keyboard. - Press the - (minus) key on the keyboard to zoom out.
You can add and remove commands from the toolbar in the upper left corner of the program with "Customize Quick Toolbar" in the right-click menu opened by clicking the right mouse button on the ribbon menu. .
To create gable walls under gable roofs; You can use the "Cut with the roof" command by changing your wall height to a value that exceeds the roof. Follow the steps below;
  • - Enter a value for the heights of the walls on either side of your gable roof, exceeding the roof. - Click the Tools/Cut With Roof line in the classic menu, and the Enter/Roof/Roof/Cut With Roof icon in the ribbon menu. The Cut With Roof toolbar will open. - Click the New Trim Group icon in the Cut with roof toolbar. - Select the roof with the left mouse button and click the right mouse button. - Select your walls and click the right mouse button. - The Roof Trimming Settings dialog will appear. After the desired settings are made, click the OK button. - The walls you choose will be cut and your shield walls will be created.
With the "Entrance/Roof/Vault" command, you can define the section you drew with two-dimensional tools to the vault to form the vault form, and you can create your own vault form. Here are the steps you need to follow: - Draw the shape of the vault section on the drawing area using the line, arc or curve commands. -Click the Entrance/Roof/Vault line. -Click the left mouse button in the drawing area and select the lines, arc or curve you have drawn to determine the section form. -Click the right mouse button. The cursor will change. -Click on the drawing area with the left mouse button. The clicked point will be the starting point of the vault. -Drag the mouse cursor. The vault will lengthen with the mouse cursor. By pressing the space-bar key on the keyboard, you can make the vault defined at the bottom, top or middle. -Click the left button again to determine the second point of the vault. The vault will be drawn.
"Ctrl" and "middle mouse button" on the perspective window You can rotate the drawing with ; "mouse wheel" can zoom in and out; You can move the drawing left to right with "middle mouse button".
If you want to see the column names and dimensions in your project, you can make them visible in the "Layer Settings>Drawing Details" tab. - Click the Settings/Layer Settings line in the Classic menu, and the Settings/Element Properties/Layer icon in the Ribbon menu. - In the Layer Settings dialog that opens, click the Drawing Details tab to switch to this tab. - A list of layers and sublayers will appear. - Here, check the line Column and Column Dimension under the Column layer. - When you exit the dialog by clicking the OK button, column names and dimensions will become visible in your plans. Plan view when column name and dimensions are closed: Plan view when column name and dimensions are open:
You can switch between architectural plan and Mold plan by pressing "Tab" key while holding "Shift" key.
In the program, any "when you hold the mouse cursor on an element" angle, layer, dimensions etc. information is given for that element. information box opens. For example, when you hold the mouse cursor on the wall, an information box like the one below will open.
As you press "Ctrl +Z" on the keyboard, you can undo the last action (Undo), "Ctrl+Y" With the keys, you can redo the undo operations.
You can see the distance of your axles from the origin by activating "Information Text" from the axle settings menu. To see the axle distances;
  • - Select all your axles and enter their properties. - Enter the info text tab in the axis settings dialog. Check the text option and edit your settings. - Check the Axis Distance line from the drawing details tab of the layer settings dialog. - The distance information of your axles from the origin will appear on your axle lines.
In the ribbon menu, you can quickly find the command you are looking for and run it automatically by using the "command search" line at the top right of the program window.
You can memorize selected objects with "Ctrl+1" keys. Even if you perform operations and make other selection operations in between, you can reselect the selection you have memorized at any time with the "CTRL+2" keys.
With the "3D Text" command, you can convert your two-dimensional text to 3D. Here are the steps you need to follow: -On the ribbon menu, click on the 3d text command in the visualization menu. -Select your 2D text and click the right mouse button. -Place your 3D text at the point you want. -When entering the properties of the resulting 3D text, the settings of the text such as angle, material, kaoy can be changed.
With "Sketch mode", you can dimension your project, make additions with 2D objects, and take notes with text, regardless of your data entry.