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If the right button of the mouse is pressed together with the "Ctrl" button while the right button menu is active in the project, the last command that was worked becomes active. If the "Show menu with right button"[/b] feature is turned off from the General Settings window, the last command worked will be activated when the right mouse button is pressed. While the right mouse button functions as the last command worked, if the right mouse button is pressed together with the "Ctrl" button, the right button menu opens.
Using the command line, you can assign the shortcuts you want to the commands with shortcut keys from the keyboard. To customize the commands, you can make corrections in the "idecadalias.txt" file in the program folder. With ideCAD 10 version, you can also do it within the program from the 'command line editor' command without going to the installation folder.
With the 'Column Trimle' command, you can adjust the column edges according to the angle of the wall. To do this, click the column trim icon from the Vertical toolbar and select the column. Click on the column edge to be deformed (change) and select your reference object (axle, beam, wall, etc.)
By clicking Geometry Control from the Tools menu, you can check the existence of problematic objects in terms of geometry, placement and size on any floor of your project. The program lists the results to the screen at the end of the check. For geometry control; - Click Geometry Control from the Tools menu. - In the dialog that appears on the screen, mark the situations where geometry control will be made. Specify whether the check will be made for all floors and enter the minimum object length (Zero means no length check will be performed). - Click the OK button.
To select any object (wall, window, column, etc.) on all floors at once, after selecting the relevant object, click the 'Select All Floors(Ctrl+B)' command in the right-click menu.
'Rain downpipe' You can enter the command and click the left mouse button to determine its location and angle and create a rain downpipe. From the rain downpipe settings, you can make the cross-section, material and size settings of elements such as body, clamp, connector.
In the perspective window, it is possible to hide and show the structural elements of the drawn model with the "Filter" menu. The filter menu is opened by clicking the filter icon in the upper right corner of the perspective window with the left mouse button. To hide the curtain wall, siding: - Click the filter icon in the upper right corner of the perspective window with the left mouse button. - From the Filter menu that opens, click the Hide curtains/exteriors icon. - At the end of the selection, your curtain wall and siding elements will be hidden.
While creating a zone, you can decide on the location of the zone text by pressing the "ctrl" key. If you wish, you can move the location label with the move location text command after you have placed your areas.
In the perspective window, you can bring your image to the starting position (from the origin point to the visible angle) by pressing the "Home" key on the keyboard. - Press the Home button while the perspective window is active. Perspective view of the building from a different location: Perspective view of the building after pressing the Home key:
While the walls draw beams and curtains; After determining the first point of the object, you can change the offset (bottom-upper-middle) of the object by pressing the "Space bar(space)" key.
With the "Dynamic Input" feature, you can enter length and angle information while defining the object. After entering the length value, press the 'tab' key on the keyboard to activate the angle box. To turn on dynamic input; In the General Settings menu, under the polar tracking tab, enable the dynamic input option.
You can draw the parts of the inclined axes that are out of the contour by selecting "Straighten the oblique axes out of the contour" option from the Axis settings. - Select the axes you want to straighten out of the contour and enter Axis Settings. - Check Straighten bent axes out of contour. - Your bent axes will be drawn straight out of the contour.
From the right-click menu opened by right-clicking the mouse, under the layers submenu, you can turn "on/off, lock/unlock", the layer on the basis of objects. . After selecting the layer operation you want to do from the Layers submenu, you need to click on the relevant object and right-click to finalize the selection.
To select all elements (wall, space, etc.) of any object on the active floor at once, after running the relevant command "Select All (Ctrl+A)" Click the command . For example, to select wall objects; - Click the Wall command. - Click the Select all (Ctrl+A) command.
While in the door/window command; You can move your cursor on the wall and specify the label and opening direction with 1-2-3 keys on the keyboard. You can get the label symmetry by pressing the 1 key on the keyboard, and the X and Y symmetry of the door by pressing the 2 and 3 keys respectively on the keyboard.
You can quickly name objects placed in the drawing area using the "Auto-Name Entities" command. To name axes: - Select your axes and click Auto-Name Entities. - Make your method and layout selections from the Auto Naming Options dialog and click the OK button. - When you make naming and direction selections from the Automatically Name Objects dialog and click the OK button, the axes you have selected will be renamed according to the criteria you have specified. By selecting different objects (column, wall, axis, etc.) together at the same time, you can quickly name them at once using the Automatically Name Objects command.
You can divide your work screen into any number of work screens with the command "Display configuration". In the Display Configuration dialog, select which screen type you want to work with.
If you press the "Space" key on the keyboard while drawing objects such as windows, doors, stairs or libraries, you can change the reference points of the objects you will place.
You can create a zone by specifying its borders with the "Create a zone by selecting a contour" command. - Select Contour from the site toolbar and click the create zone icon. - Select the wall objects around the area you want to create a zone in order. - Your space will be created when you select the last wall and a closed area is formed.