Opinions questions about using ideCAD Static 7

"nahroyo":1wj23aln" said:
The program does not pay attention to the wall loads we defined on the hollow slab, what kind of solution do you suggest we do for this?
You can increase the fixed or live load of the slab.
In the formwork plan drawing, there is an option called show current distance lines. But I think what is more essential is that it is in the drawing of the basic application plan. I think it would be appropriate to have this option on raft foundations for the building plan, which is wider in terms of area and has different geometry. Thank you.
"metinkacar":387lyvqf" said:
hi... there is a problem in drawing beams with angles as in the attached example.
Hello, You should define the beams in your project with the curved beam command, not as two straight beams. Set the number of points to 1 and click the points 1, 2 and 3 that I marked in the screenshot with the curved beam command.
"beyazbaret":3x015lzr" said:
Good afternoon, although I created the slab without any errors, the reinforced concrete calculation axles do not appear, but when I move the cursor to the top of the slab with the delete reinforced concrete calculation axis command, the axles appear from the bottom. When I get a report, I get results as if there is no calculation axis. ?
Hello. Drawing a Curved Panel (by defining the number of points) as I have indicated in the screenshot.. NOTE: I do not want to draw a piece by piece When and which version will the curved panel drawing and calculation be added? Thank you..
No additional features will be added to version 7. There will only be updates in the form of bug fixes. Which version of the curved panels will be added depends on our work and future version plans. When the release time of new versions approaches (v8-v9-10 etc.), which features will be announced. As I wrote before, we absolutely read and consider every request forum. However, it is not possible for us to say something like "will be added in this version" or to add all requests to a single version, unfortunately.
Hello, I can't add the DWG button to the menu bars, I couldn't figure out how, but there is no dwg button.....
"HÜS71":h0lglkud" said:
Hi, I can't add DWG button to menu bars, I couldn't figure out how. Add button is removed but there is no dwg button.....
Hello, To run dwg import and export commands from toolbar instead of menu , Click Tools/Customize/Customize command. The customization dialog will open. At this stage, you can move the Project/Import/Dwg line to any toolbar you want by keeping the left mouse button pressed. Good work.
hello, I had 3 questions, I would be glad if you answer. I am designing a building with 1-7 floors. I need a basement in the parking lot. I turn under the basement floor with a 1 meter high flood line and think of a raft under it (at -4m elevation). Do I need to specify the meter part in the floor settings in the program? 2-Is it necessary to specify the çesan concrete that will be placed on this 1 meter section in the program? Or do we leave that part blank? 3- When I get the basic application plan, what should I do to see the filling material, lean concrete and çesan concrete on the sbh in the plan? good work
"gripin":137mgf0j" said:
hello, I had 3 questions, I would be glad if you could answer them. I'm designing a building with 1-7 floors. I need a basement in the parking lot. I turn under the basement floor with a 1 meter high flood line and I think a raft under it (- At 4m elevation).I want to ask, do I need to specify the 1-meter part, which was turned with filled sbh, in the floor settings in the program?
1-You can find a solution by adding the height of the basement to the height of the basement floor.
2-In the program, the cesan concrete that will come over this 1 meter section Do we need to specify it or do we leave that part blank?
I think you're talking about lean concrete on the foundation. Since lean concrete will sit on the foundation and it's a constructive element, you don't need to specify it as a separate slab. If you modeled a beamless raft foundation, the weight of lean concrete and filling material, the foundation can be added to its own or live load.
3- When I buy the basic application plan, the filling material inside the sbh What should I do to see the sini, lean concrete and çesan concrete on the sbh in the plan? good work
You can detail your drawings in the basic application plan and section by using the two-dimensional possibilities of the program. Good work
You did not provide enough information for us to make a detailed comment. ideCAD 7 does the same job as ideCAD 6, so there is no more "twitch" compared to v6. :) If it's stiff, my guess is that you're probably using the semi-rigid option and/or the RAM in your computer isn't enough. In the semi-rigid diaphragm solution, since the floor objects are also included in the system as shells, the analysis takes longer than the solution with the classical method, this is normal. What are the specs of your computer? (CPU model/Amount of RAM)? Are you analyzing with the semi-rigid option? What is the number of elements/nodes in your system? How long does your analysis take? If you answer these questions, a healthier interpretation can be made. Better yet, submit your project for us to review. Semi-rigid diaphragm analysis is not necessary to solve the stairs together with the system, but it would be healthier to analyze with the semi-rigid diaphragm and response spectrum+scattered masses option. Otherwise, you need to thoroughly examine your analysis system and load distribution and master how the program calculates. In the floor force method, the forces coming to the floors are loaded on the rigid diaphragms, which may cause the dynamic behavior of the stairs to be unrealistic according to the project. The program finds the ladder supports itself. You just have to click on the ladder and give an instruction such as "connect this ladder to such elements within this distance". If you want to solve the stairs together with the structure, make sure to examine the analysis system and deformations in 3 dimensions. "Let the program calculate somehow, don't bother me" is not a valid idea anywhere, and how to connect a complex element such as a staircase to a complex structure such as a building is not always a process that can be made blindly by a program. The program is a helpful tool that will make your work easier as an engineer. In order to get healthy results, the engineer's follow-up and initiative should be included in the process at every stage. Otherwise, while you think you have solved your project, you may be getting results that have nothing to do with reality because the ladder is not supported in the appropriate places and makes strange deformations.
"Admin":1hywcka4" said:
"Let the program calculate somehow, don't bother me", as there is no valid thought anywhere, how to connect a complex element such as a staircase to a complex structure such as a building will always be made by a blindfolded program. The program is a helpful tool that will make your work easier as an engineer, in order to get healthy results, the engineer's follow-up and initiative should be included in the process at every stage. ...
I think you have very well summarized a situation that every engineer should be aware of. Dear [ User b]kobe1905[/b] Do not take this comment personally. I wanted to say that I agree with your opinion while we are talking. We have dozens of software at our disposal, but many engineers cannot/do not want to go beyond being operators. Namely, in the project office where I worked, it was one of the competitors of ideCAD (as I thought it was wrong to name it. I didn't give a mini) we use one. In every project we do, we make ETABS modeling at the same time, analyze columns, beams and walls with ETABS and enter data into the domestic package program for the reinforcements we have determined. As a result, it provides us with ease of drawing and ease of reporting. I wish we could trust local software as much as we trust ETABS. Frankly, I attribute this to not being able to use the software correctly and to being fixed-minded. Since my colleague could not get the polygon column reinforcement correctly in the 5th version (I don't know if the problem was in him or in the software anymore), he does not see ideCAD as a static software and believes in the idea of using it if you are going to get a drawing. Although I say that years have passed and many things are really good in the last version, he says noah, not a prophet. I even felt like an ideCAD agent for a while and stopped arguing. I have been following ideCAD since version 5 and have used every version with DEMO version. Of course, I did not have the opportunity to try it in intensive use and various types of structures like in the office, but I applaud the point reached now. I installed the demo of version 7 yesterday, and when I showed my boss at the office to examine the 3D equipment, he couldn't believe it and couldn't help saying 'bravo well, the guys did it'.
An article that I think is dated 2008;
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My request from those who are interested; -What do you think causes the differences in the 10-storey building, which is one of the examples? Many thanks in advance to those who shared their valuable ideas...