"karsaf":2sz1utmr" said:
Hello ; First of all, I would like to say that I really like the v10.20 version. Thanks to everyone who contributed. I recently started using the 10.20 version to finalize the projects that I had designed with 10.17. but one of the issues that I paid particular attention to during the design phase is the absence of the first 2 modes (RZ) in the "detailed dynamic analysis report". While most of my projects designed in 10.17 version are (Ux)(Uy) as below, in 10.20 version (Rz)(Uy) occurs. What could be the reason for this, I wonder if I made a special development about it. Thank you. Good work..
Hello, There may be changes in dynamic mass modeling and modal analysis algorithm between versions. The order of the calculated modes may vary, especially in modes close to each other, but the contribution of the relevant mode and the resulting CQC combined values are more important than the order. If you send the project that brings out the situation you mentioned, we can examine it in more detail. Good work