Opinions questions about using ideCAD Static 7

Due to the directory structure of Windows XP, there is an incompatibility in importing the report into the report program, there is no solution other than working on Windows 7 until we make the appropriate update in the next version. (It turned 10 yesterday, Windows XP is now expired...)
I can suggest a workaround for getting reports in Windows XP: Download the attached report_xp.rar file and extract its contents to the desktop (or any folder). (There is a file named report_xp.bat in the rar file) 1. Get a report once in the program. 2. The program will give an error message. 3. Then run the report_xp.bat file by moving to the folder where you copied the file. 4. The report will open.
"Arzu Dural Gök":1ry8nn3f" said:
Already. The mouse is drawn in whichever direction it points. Anyone can also - value and draw in the opposite direction.
"SCETCHER":1ry8nn3f" said:
dynamic input should not have plus or minus value . when we value it, let it draw in the direction of the mouse.
hm. it's fixed, it wasn't happening to me :)
When I download static 7.01, I can't run it. Delete this file may harm your computer. I have microsoft eesential, I couldn't close the program because I don't have a laptop. I will prepare the static project of hasbahce. I will have a chance to test the program.
"SCETCHER":xngk4zxv" said:
I can't run static 7.01 when I download it. This file may harm your computer. Delete it. There is microsoft eesential. I couldn't close the program because I don't have a laptop. I will prepare a static project of hasbahce. I will have a chance to test the program.
All our programs are packaged on our computers protected by the mcaffee program. Therefore, there is no such thing as harming your system. You can ignore the message... Note: If you contact me, I can examine the situation you encounter with remote access in detail.
What if the select all command had the ability to select primitive objects with color or layer? just like in the program :D
In 5 versions, when we clicked on the box while drawing a column, we could increase or decrease its size with the middle mouse button. It would be nice if we could add a good feature
If we could define the growth direction axes while drawing a column. You will say it automatically identifies. but we get very confused when enlarging their size, choosing their growth direction. What if we could define the growth aspects by defining the axis?
If only we could give eccentricity to the curtains. that is, since we are working with 10 cm offset of the axis, the curtains form a nodal point at the axis intersection. If it comes out correctly in the account, it does not appear correctly in the drawing?
nahroyo wrote:How does the virtual construction site module work, I couldn't find it... or is it not more active? You can access it from the Reinforcements Tab in the Column/Beam/Panel Reinforced Concrete Dialogues. thanks... it only works for curtain columns and beams at the moment, will it be considered for other elements in the future?
when it will be possible to define the curtains as inclined, it would be very useful if there is such an option... ramp curtains etc.