Thanks to the whole İdeyapı family for the new opportunities you have provided us with the 6.01 Beta version, and thank you all for your hard work. I would like to share with you some points that I see as troublesome for me. 1) When I model and analyze the stairs, no reinforcement is seen in the reinforced concrete part. The ladder report is blank and does not appear in the drawings. I wonder if the problem is my PC or is it due to 6.01. 2) I think it would be much better if the Colon application Plan expansion had some of the features of 6.0055. In the attached file, there is a column application drawing taken with 6.01 in the file I sent. And the drawings are given as blocks. When we break them apart, they completely fall apart, and in this case, the expansion of columns S11 and S15 in the picture are completely intertwined. And it is impossible for us to sort them out. However, at 6.0055, the columns and curtains were blocked within themselves. In this way I was able to solve this mess by simply smashing and shrinking column S15, but now I can't. Likewise, Column and Curtain name and reinforcement information texts were also blocked within themselves. When we select the label text of any element, we can select Name, Size, Stirrup Rebar and Longitudinal Rebar information together, but now it has become more difficult to select them. As you can see in the picture, it will be much more difficult to extract, select and arrange these texts one by one. Because of these problems, I removed the 6.01 Beta version on my computer and switched to the 6.005 version again. I present it to your information. Thanks again to everyone who contributed.