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[ b]Did you try this while designing reinforced concrete ?[/b]
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In the menu that appears by right-clicking on an object, "Select similar"[/ With the b] command, you can specify certain properties and select similar objects that fit these properties at once. If you specify 45/50 while on the column, all 45/50 size columns will be selected.
While "element deficiencies" is active in 3D visualization, you can open the element reinforced concrete design dialog by clicking any element. Clicking the element opens the element reinforced concrete design dialog:
Select the curtain parts that do not provide the 1/6 dimension ratio in curtain groups and are connected to the group curtains, select the "Short title curtain" option in the curtain properties, and select the same group name. You can add it as a title to the group curtain.
You can open the design dialog of an element or elements of the same type selected in the plan by pressing Ctrl + Q. In the example screenshot, the design dialog that appears after selecting some columns in the plan and pressing Ctrl + Q:
If you have floors that will not participate in the height of the building in accordance with TBDY 2018 Article, check the "Elevator/Machine Room" box in the Floor General Settings dialog on the relevant floor. you can mark.
You can save projects containing your own settings as "template projects" and use these projects when opening a new project. In template projects: 1. Font size heights, fonts, etc. All visual settings in dialogs 2. Default values in dialogs of objects 3. Default values used during analysis, reinforcement and drawing of structural elements 4. Wall and element load default information 5. TBDY 2018 Analysis Wizard default information 6. Data entry unit settings 8. Reinforcement Rebar diameters that can be used in the selection 9. Dialogs of the element parameters, price values of the reinforcement, rebar spacing conditions, etc. parameters for design 9. Concrete and reinforcing steel classes of reinforced concrete elements, steel class of steel elements, section properties, default sections, default dimensions of all element elements 10. Optional report settings 11. Background color 13. Dimension settings 14. Layer settings 15. Entities 16. Enhanced capture, upright etc. visibility settings on floors. cursor capture settings 17 . Grid settings 18. Stair view settings 19. Section view settings Without being limited to these items, adjust all the content that you can see in the dialogs in the program according to your own project habits and save the project. You can open this project you registered while starting your next projects and continue with your project. If you wish, you can copy your edited template projects to a folder under the program folder\templates\structural and make them appear in the "new project" dialog in the program.
If you want to use any command you use a lot, in a visible place, on the toolbar, you can drag and drop it to the toolbars with "Customize". -> Click the right mouse button on any toolbar. Click on Customize from the drop-down menu. -> In the dialog that opens, reach the command you want from the Categories section. For example, select Report from the Categories section. For example, select the Curtain Group line from the Commands section, drag and drop it to the desired toolbar by holding down the left mouse button. -> After closing the Customize dialog, you can use the command by clicking the command in the toolbar you placed.
In drawing windows, you can move text, line, etc. 2-dimensional objects in the block with one click "Press the M key" without exploding the block. For example, if you click on the reinforcement text in the block, only the reinforcement text will be moved. If you click on the reinforcement line, all the reinforcement texts are moved along with the reinforcement drawing as blocks. Quick move command steps: 1) Press M. 2) Click the element in the block content. 3) Take it to its new location.
You can save the project files that you will use for backup, transfer or data analysis with the command "Save by Compressing". The file extension is cde. With this command, the project file is compressed, analysis and design results are also reset, only basic data is kept. The space occupied by the project on the disk will be considerably reduced compared to the analyzed recorded version. Compress save command can be accessed from the menu under the ideCAD icon in the upper left corner of the program. After clicking the ideCAD icon, click the Compress Save line and give a file name. The dimensions of the project file appearing on the disk before and after Compress Save:
Do you want to move the building to another point? Instead of moving the elements on each floor, you can select the entire structure with the Select All (Ctl+A) command in the 3D perspective view, and you can move the entire structure at once with the Move command. Process steps: 1. Select the entire structure with Ctrl+A in the perspective window. 3. Click the Move from Toolbar command and give a reference point. 3. Click the new location.
In any reinforced concrete design dialogs, you can select more than one line using the "shift" and "ctrl" keys, and thus determine the dimensions, reinforcements and/or values of the selected elements. You can change the reinforcement fixing states at once. You can apply the operation for two different situations: 1.) Selecting the desired elements one by one by skipping a line 2.) Selecting all the elements without skipping a line, starting from a certain line, up to the desired element 1) By skipping a line, selecting the desired elements one by one. operation steps: - Hold down Ctrl and select the lines one by one with the left mouse button. - After selecting one by one, press the shift key without releasing the Ctrl key. - Double-click the value you want to change in any row. (One click is enough for the DS column.) - After making the change, the change will be applied to all selected rows. 2. Starting from a certain line, until the desired element, selecting all elements without skipping a line - Click the first line you want to select. - Press the Shift and Ctrl keys simultaneously. - Click on the last row you want to select. - Double-click the value you want to change in any row. (One click is enough for the DS column.) - After making the change, the change will be applied to all selected rows.
With the Tools/Reinforcement Area Calculation command, you can calculate the cm2 value of any spacing and diameter reinforcement for a unit length of 1 meter. Operation steps: -Click on the Tools menu. -Click the Rebar Area Account icon. - By entering the diameter and spacing value, you can see the reinforcement area corresponding to the value.
Using Returned Structurer you can rotate the entire structure from the bottom left corner of the structure. Operation steps: -Click on the Tools menu. -Click on the Rotate Structure command. -Enter the angle value.
Referring to the article of TBDY 2018, the environmental impact class will be specified on the drawing sheets, select environmental impact class [] You can select /u]. Action steps: -> Open Analysis Settings dialog. -> Click on the Other tab. -> Select from the list of environmental impact classes. -> When you receive a drawing, the selection you made will appear on the letterheads.
" Find Object (Ctrl +F") command, you can search for any element by giving it an object name. Operation steps: -> Click the Find Object from the left toolbar or the Tools/Find Object icon from the Ribbon menu or press the Ctrl + F key. -> In the dialog that opens, type the Object Name and click the Find button. -> After you find the element, you can select the element with Select.
"HakanŞahin":kl0dma9j" said:
You can open the design dialog of an element or elements of the same type selected in the plan by pressing the Ctrl + Q keys. The design dialog that appears after pressing Ctrl + Q:
Can the 'All Floors' option be activated when the design dialog of the element selected with Ctrl + Q is opened?
If there are axes that you use on the data entry screen and that you do not want to delete, but that you do not want to appear in the pattern and application plans, you can select these axes and tick the Secondary Axle option from the Properties. Operation steps: -> Select axle or axles. -> Click Properties(Ctrl+E). -> Select the Secondary axle option from the General Settings tab. -> When you receive formwork plan and application plan, marked axis will not be displayed.
Option to draw shear horizontal body reinforcements from inside or outside without hooks compared to vertical reinforcements given in TBDY 2018 "Analysis Design/Design Parameters/Shear Parameters"[/b ] dialog. Operation steps: -> Click Analysis Design/Design Parameters/Screen Parameters. Select the option and close the dialog. -> Analyze. -> Curtain details will be prepared according to your choice.
Referring to the use of B420C or S420 steel grades specified in TBDY Article, nomenclature for B420C or S420[/i][/b][[/i][/b][ You can choose /u]. Operation steps: -> Open Analysis Settings dialog. -> Click on the Other tab. -> Choose from Static material naming section. -> Analyze. -> When you receive a drawing, your selection will appear on letterheads and reports.
Without entering the layer settings, you can select an object and click the right mouse button on the object's layer with one click to grab or lock the layer Operation steps: -> Select the object. -> Click the right button after moving the mouse cursor over the object. (If the right-click menu is not active, hold down the Ctrl and press the right button after hovering over the object.) -> Click on Lock Object Layer or Close Object Layer from the menu that opens.