When I fix the reinforcements it gives an error on the beam

Mert Kaymaz

New Member
Hello Dear Colleagues, Min 30/70 columns are accepted by the Municipality, and the beam reinforcements are min. 14 iron and are accepted as both assembly and flat reinforcement. The system gives an error when I set the beam settings to throw the 14-gauge irons in the analysis settings, but when I make the first analysis and then fix the iron reinforcements manually, it does not give an error on the beam. How can you suggest a solution, my beam dimensions are 25/60
Reinforcement problem in beams Hello, Municipality does not allow us to construct columns under 30/70 and does not accept 3 units of 14 reinforcements in beams for both assembly and flat reinforcement. When I make 2 14's on my beams, the accounts save, but now the account does not save because I scored 3 14s. What is the reason ?
Re: reinforcement problem in beams Hello, As you increase beam longitudinal reinforcements, As1, As2 values in column beam joint shear safety control and accordingly (Ve) design shear force increase. And when the design shear force value exceeds the Vmax limit value, Joint shear safety problem occurs in Column (B).
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