What would you like to have in ideCAD Architecture?

"ozguer":2ppz541b" said:
1-added offset, fillet,chamfer command on walls.. (same as in xxxxxxxx) 2-program's object capture feature is weak. It needs more advanced snapping feature (for example, only knot point or two on walls) It should be able to capture from both sides of the wall, from both sides of the wall, in the middle (I think there is, but it is weak), from the parts created by entering numbers or percentages as in xxxxxxxx 3-I think it should be understood with Cahos group :))) An advanced rendering engine such as vray should be added.. .the current rendering engine sucks..(I still think what the tension of the camera was...which the camera only has 2 settings :)) ) When we extended the 4-wall, if it passes through a column, the wall does not divide... ( fix this quickly ) :) ) 5-It should be possible to create a wall, column, beam, etc., by entering a certain distance from the reference point.. Unfortunately, this does not exist. (There is a parallel and perpendicular reference command, but this is not very useful) I am someone who used xxxxxxxx before and still as b I'm writing these... of course both programs have their own pros and cons... but there are so many things that will add speed and functionality to the program... actually I'm spying on you from xxxxxxxx :))) for example, your land controls are 10 out of xxxxxxxx: ))) for example, your profile objects are xxxxxxxx e onbasar... don't underestimate what I said... best regards, Özgür elm :))
You, as Arcicad user, go and act as your agent on their site. What are you doing here? ideCAD's Render engine is at least as powerful as the engine used by arcicadin. Prepare a scene with vray, render, then transfer it with ideCAD, compare these two results. If you do not do this, it will be understood that you are a person suitable for the "Awful" characterization. Please render the same scene in both ideCAD and Arcicad and post the result here so you can understand what's 'lousy'. Thanks for your other suggestions. ideCAD's biggest advantage over arcicad is that it is really BIM, that is, Architectural Static integration.
"The biggest advantage of ideCAD over arcicad is that it really is BIM, namely the Architectural Static integration." I want to think that you are not serious when you make this sentence. If you were using ArcchiCAD at the beginner level, I think you would think differently. In addition, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is not just Architectural Static integration. It is the ability to model all disciplines used in the production of the building in a similar interface, being aware of each other. This integration has been used for years in programs such as Reevit and ArcchiCAD series, not only in reinforced concrete-architecture but also in all related disciplines. Of course, he is the one who understands us best. ideCAD is a pride of Turkey in this sense. Using ideCAD is much more enjoyable than ArcchiCAD for me. It produces fast and effective solutions suitable for Turkey. I believe that in time the world will come to a very good place. I am giving a link for you to understand the BIM system more clearly. I suggest you review it. Best regards...
Dear Ofis2a, Bim is of course not just Architectural - static integration. Also, I did not say that ideCAD is superior to Revvit. I said superior to Arccicad. More than 5000 architects in Turkey are doing two-way data exchange and working in partnership with civil engineers. This happens thanks to ideCAD. How many offices in Turkey can you count to me that exchange two-way data with arcchicad? I left Turkey, how many offices in the world do you count? I didn't say Revit, I said Arccicad again. good work
Dear cassabotanic, Thank you for your explanation. ideCAD may not be very superior to other software for the moment, but a very useful and open to development software will come to very serious places in a short time. Let's continue with our suggestions under this heading. Good work.
"cassabotanic":2l6ixvdl" said:
"ozguer":2l6ixvdl" said:
1-added offset, fillet, chamfer command on walls.. (same as in xxxxxx) 2-The program's object capture feature is weak. It should have a more advanced capture feature (for example, it only captures the nodal point on the walls or the direction between two node points), it should be able to capture from both sides of the wall, in the middle (I think there is, but weak), from the parts created by entering numbers or percentages as in xxxxxxxx. 3-I think it should be understood with the xxxxx group :))) An advanced rendering engine like xxxx should be added... the current rendering engine is terrible..(I still think what tension the camera had... that the camera only has 2 settings :)) ) 4-wall If it passes through a column, the wall does not divide... (fix this quickly) :)) 5-Wall, column, beam etc. should be formed by entering a certain distance from the reference point and shifting it.. Unfortunately, this does not exist... (parall ve There is a perpendicular reference command, but it is not very useful) I am writing these as someone who used xxxxxxxx before and still ... of course both programs have their own pros and cons ... but there are so many things that will add speed and functionality to the program.. . actually I'm spying on you from xxxxxxxx :))) for example your land controls are 10 over xxxxxxxx ink :))) for example your profile objects xxxxxxxx e onbasar... don't underestimate what I said... best regards, free elm :))
You Arcicad Go as a user and do it on their site aja your lance. What are you doing here? ideCAD's Render engine is at least as powerful as the engine used by arcicadin. Prepare a scene with Vxxx, render, then import, import with ideCAD, compare these two results. If you do not do this, it will be understood that you are a person suitable for the "Awful" characterization. Please render the same scene in both ideCAD and Arcicad and post the result here so you can understand what's 'lousy'. Thanks for your other suggestions. ideCAD's biggest advantage over arcicad is that it's really BIM, that is, Architectural Static integration.
first of all, it's not arcicad, it's xxxxxxxx. first write the name correctly.. frankly, I never thought that I would get such a reaction. (which I completely compared the program with other similar programs) As a matter of fact, if you read it fully, you would see that I said that both programs have pros and cons. If you had read more carefully, you would have seen that I did not compare with the render engine of xxxxxxxx. that xxxxxxx's rendering engine is also awful. For some reason, you're stuck with render.. my other writings are in the background. Personalizing what I wrote and reacting so much is completely far from professionalism and courtesy. I do my renders in 3ds max... more precisely, I import them to 3ds max and use the vray rendering engine.. am I a professional in rendering.. never.. but I also work with professionals.. ( go ask my friends who do animation and 3d visualization ) the biggest missing is that this program is not 64-bit. (but I believe this will be overcome soon). By the way, it's been a week since I started this idecad... if you had read what I wrote, you could have corrected my mistake instead of making such personalized comments. yes, it is a very bad word to describe it as terrible. I'm sorry for this. but I said it sucks according to vray or brazil, not according to xxxxxxxx. what did I say!! I said can't vray render engine be integrated too.. I said can't it be offered in this option. (Let the one who pays use it) . When comparing idecad and xxxxxxxx (not arcicad), I never mentioned rendering. (Unfortunately, you got what you need) "ideCAD's Render engine is at least as powerful as the engine used by arcicadin. Prepare a scene with vray, render it, then export it with ideCAD, compare these two results. If you don't do this, your "lousy" It will be understood that you are a personality that fits the description." What can I say to a person who has enough reading and lack of knowledge to write this. (I expected ADMIN to be more constructive.) Should I say to those people: "You do it, show that the render engine of the program is not terrible first.. Hodri challenge..( I'm not saying because such a rude and childish expression does not suit me) ha this By the way, please write your name below while making such personalized and unprofessional comments. By the way, what were we going to talk about here... What a beautiful program, it's so wonderful and delicious.. We were just going to say.. By the way, as it is still claimed, no program is worse than the other. Each program has its own It has advantages. You need to be using other programs to be able to say this, or at least trying to learn. Neither xxxxxxxx is superior to idecad, nor is idecad over allplan nor allplan has superiority over Revit. Each program has pros and cons (which is relative.. person to person) the program principle of all of them is different. As for BIM .. as office2a said, BIM is not architectural-static integration. not in small projects but on larger projects this comes out better. Of course, since Turkey is the country of engineers, it is very natural for you to give such an answer.. I'M SAYING IT AGAIN AGAIN... THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO PREPARED THIS PROGRAM AND DEVELOPED THIS PROGRAM.. EVEN THEIR WORK IS NOT INCLUDED.. AS A TURK, I AM SAYING IT AGAIN (LEARNING THE PROGRAM FROM TURKISH) I'M NOT SAYING I KNOW) I AM PROUD. I APPLY TO THOSE WHO WAS WORKING ON THE PROGRAM, NOT YOU, FOR SAYING THE RENDER ENGINE IS AWFUL. AND I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE AROUND ME TO GET THIS PROGRAM I TRIED TO LEARN.. (Despite LIKE YOU) I apologize to other forum users for causing unnecessary discussion. Best regards, free elm
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the claimant is obliged to prove his claim. Especially if the claim is an ugly one. I'm leaving the word "lousy" aside, you have to show that the render quality is not good. Still, apologizing is a virtuous act.
This is the last message I will write on this topic, please do not get too long. 1) Mr. Özgür, please pay attention to who wrote the message you meant when you said I expected "admin" to be more constructive. The message in question was not written by me. In a very constructive message, I asked you to let us know the reasons for your conclusion. 2) The 64-bit version of the program will be released in the autumn with the displacement map facility and will be given to v6 users free of charge. I guess you didn't look at the announcements.
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3) Your quote is from "current render engine sucks" consists of. You didn't say Vray or Brazil or ArchiCAD was bad, just said it was awful. Achieving a vray/Brazil/Mental quality was not our goal, it's not meaningful either. Our goal was to develop a simple-to-use render engine that would simplify complex settings and render good quality architectural renderings without the need for a renderer. 5) You said that whoever wants it should pay for it and buy a Brazil Vray engine. One of the programmers of the Brazil render engine told me during a chat how many Brazil licenses are sold in Turkey. Guess how many :p (Hint, a number less than 1). I don't know the number of Vray licenses but my guess is it's a 2 digit number. In that case, would you spend a lot of time integrating Vray or Brazil into your program? 4) You accuse me of not being constructive, please send the .max file/textures of a scene you rendered with vray and the resulting render to destek@ideyapi.com.tr Let's examine it, if there is something we can't do there, let's add it to the next versions. (As we added the displacement mapping facility to this version.) Even add your comments, just in case I can't do this in idecadde. 5) You just wrote that you are stuck with the render engine, this is because you approached the ideCAD Render engine with a single word like "awful", although it does not deserve it. The purpose of this forum is to receive constructive criticism from our users and to shape the next versions of the program in a healthy way in line with the needs. For this reason, our aim has never been to take a defensive position regarding requests/error reports made to the forum. (Check out the old posts, especially the static program part). We've always looked at these criticisms as "how can we improve the program". This includes other messages you wrote. We are already making a share of ourselves from there, don't worry :)
friends, while writing to the forum, please read before posting and then post it. If we are criticizing, let's stand behind it, but let's not bend over it, do not compare it with another program, say that our own program cannot do this, let's try to do it. I entered the forum today, but yesterday's posts disturbed me, I say please let's be level. I wish you all good work and learning. Saridurmusoglu
Re: ideCAD Architectural V7 New Version I still don't understand why the program crashes and closes despite using too fast during rendering or in the project environment. admin friends said it is computer related, but this is my 5th computer and I still have the same problem. I especially encounter this problem in a heavy project (10 floors and 40 flats - 100 mb project file size and external objects, the render file is about 200 mb together with the library like tree flower and bug) when I try to undo the command and do the same. pc feature asus n53sv core i7 2610 processor 12 gb ram 1 gb gt540 video card 640 gb hdd. Is it normal or do you guys have the same problem?
Re: ideCAD Architecture V7 New Version when will v7 be released? v6 is quite successful compared to v5. especially good for sectional views. but it can be further developed. For example, it would be much nicer if the location tag was removed... it doesn't work because
Re: ideCAD Architecture V7 New Version You haven't answered the questions I asked you before, (about nvidia optimus settings). Have you tried them? I also asked you to send a project and describe the problem you are experiencing in detail.
Do you experience slowness in 3D screen, such as when using an interactive camera, or while rendering? If there is slowness in the 3D display, check the always use performance video card setting from the nvidia control panel's optimus settings. (Manage 3D settings->Global Settings->Select the preferred graphics processor->high performance nvidia graphics), If you did not do this, your computer may be using the worse integrated Intel GPU due to the optimus feature. If necessary, update your video card driver to the latest version (from
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, not from asus' site). Notebook manufacturers generally follow the latest version a little behind in the drivers they put on their sites. If your graphics card is GT540, your processor must be i7 2630qm, right? We have an ASUS n53sn notebook in a similar configuration and we are not experiencing any slowness. If the rendering process is taking too long, send a sample render project with its settings to our technical service (or add it to the forum), let's see how long it takes on our computers, if necessary, we will give accelerator tips about the settings. Note : For general usage of Optimus settings
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Good work
If you are not going to do this, contact our Bursa technical service and they will look at your computer with remote access. Or take your computer and come to one of our offices. We don't have any problems with much more intense projects, you probably do things differently. It is unlikely that we will find a solution to it in this way. First we need to see the problem. I wrote above in the announcement that v7 will be released in the fall. (Autumn: any of September/October/November). As with previous versions, a beta version will be released for forum users before the final version is released.
Features that are not in idecad 6.54 version.. 1) Adding the chimney section to the 3 d library 2) Giving the opportunity to choose the property name since the room names are generally the same in the projects (room, living room, bathroom, etc.) 3) When the balcony wall comes to the window in the floor plans, half of the window 4) In 6.54 version, when we scan the areas, the scans of the doors that come to the scan sometimes delete the scan as much as the door diameter, and sometimes it does not delete when we change the window and come to the same window again. If we click the scan, it is deleted again.
Greetings, maybe I have a request from you, but I do not know. When transferred, they spoil our pictures, so can a study be done?
You can make your first request in 3D with ideCAD Render's 3D writing facility, or by assigning a 2D signboard texture to the wall/beam/box object. Your second request is beyond the purpose and purpose of an architecture/render program, it's easier to tell the person who messed up your renders with photoshop not to mess it up :)
mr. Will pan command be assigned to mouse middle button in İderender 7 version? It wouldn't be bad if iderender 7 worked unlocked. While rendering on one computer, we have the opportunity to draw a new project on the other computer. Or, after running the program with hasp, it is possible to unlock and use it for iderender.
Hi, the scan is not cleared when clear scan option is not checked in library settings. If this option is not cleared when checked, there may be a problem with the library. Does this happen in all libraries or just this one?
clear scan command doesn't unscan library object? I have unchecked all the marks for the scan name but it is scanning on the 3D libraries. There is no problem with 2d objects. It also scans the library shapes that we have created as blocks with the primitive object.
as we see it. I'm trying in the previous version now. so you know my previous version. There is no problem with 2d libraries. block and 3d library scans don't cut it. Also, it does not completely remove the glass frame in the objects such as balustrades in the sections. He sees the railing object on the glass from one side. it does not see other glass objects next to it. Let me add a picture of it. I gave depth and canceled same. I bought it in the distance order, and as a last resort, I deleted the object on the glass. so that he could see the glass full, but again the railing cut off part of his upper profile.