Hi, I've been trying to solve the relative floor offset problem for a project for 1 week, although I tried many different alternatives, I couldn't solve the problem. The ground floor of my project is 350 floors high as a shop and I have added an adjacent project on one side, I would appreciate it if you could help..[ /quote] If possible, you can do as Mr. Hakan mentioned above.
The relative floor displacement conditions were changed in TBDY 2018. If the wall connections are formed jointless, completely adjacent, the control limit is penalized according to the condition that they are formed as flexible joints. If you have an application situation with flexible joints (TBDY Figure 4C.1), you can increase the relative floor drift control limits by 2 times.
Apart from this, the curtain thicknesses should be checked on the ground floor. (You can see this from the geometry control) Make your system a semi-rigid solution. Arrange the support conditions S2 and S3 columns on the ground floor are not connected by beams. Your curtains should be marked as non-continuing panels on all floors. It is seen that there are incorrect combinations in the geometry control. Make a system solution by including the ladder in the system and determining the supporting conditions.