ideCAD Static 6.53

Re: the phrase "hollow brick" in the section Hello, you can write the name you want by clicking the text details in the section settings / additional options section.
"buzadaM":mxwqvfmq" said:
where can we change the phrase "hollow brick" in the cross section of hollow slabs, it is difficult to blow them all up and fix them one by one after cutting
Minimum reinforcement spacing Does the program take into account the "minimum reinforcement spacing" in the [Reinforced Concrete -> Parameters -> General Reinforced Concrete settings] dialog?
Although I set the minimum reinforcement spacing to 5 cm, even if we accept the rebar spacing from the rebar center to its centre, it becomes 3.4 cm.
Re: ideCAD Static 6.53 new version
"buzadaM":oim8hs79" said:
[Reinforced Concrete -> Parameters -> General Reinforced Concrete settings] does the program take into account the "minimum reinforcement spacing" in the dialog?[/ quote] Hi, It is received, but that condition is not the only condition for the selected reinforcement. First of all, there is the reinforcement area that meets the reinforcement need in the relevant region. Then the reinforcement that will meet the reinforcement area is selected. At this point, the parameter you mentioned is evaluated together with the diameters that can be used in the reinforcement selection dialog in the reinforcement selection dialog. In the selection of the reinforcement, the number is decreased by increasing the diameter of the reinforcement "if sufficient diameter to meet the minimum reinforcement condition" is selected. If the "sufficient diameter to meet the minimum reinforcement condition is not selected" in the selection of the reinforcement, the program increases the number of pieces without introducing the minimum reinforcement spacing condition without giving missing Aces. This is the case in the example you have shown. .. Otherwise you will get the message missingAs An example: Open the attached project.. Assembly 12 and 14'l in reinforcement selection Low-marked and minimum reinforcement spacing is 5 cm. In this case, the program chooses 4fi14 to mount. The distance between two reinforcements remains 6 cm. Now remove the 14'' for mounting in the reinforcement selection. Do your analysis. In this case, as there is no other option, the assembly is chosen as 12. The distance between two reinforcements remains 4 cm. If the program did not select 6fi12, the message missingAs would appear in the string.