window directions


New Member
Hello, The windows I created in the architectural project are in the opposite direction, so the arms are out :/ Can I solve this problem without deleting the windows? When you delete it with a window or mirror it, it is necessary to delete the old one. In this case, floors or spaces are deleted. When I define a composite material on the walls and select a wall with one side insulated, the inner wall looks insulated, how can I change this direction?
Hello, You can use X symmetry, Y symmetry options in the door-window command. When the door and window are wiped, the space or floors are not deleted. From the composite material menu in the settings, you can create your own composite material, decide on its scanning, size and define it to the objects. You can also create an internally insulated wall and name the layers yourself and interfere with their order. Take it easy, good work.
Hello, when I open the architectural drawing in idestatic, the windows disappeared and the slab and raft names are not visible. The beams don't look full either.
Hello, in ideCAD Static, doors/windows appear as spaces. Click Change/Make Compatible with Static in the classic menu in ideCAD Static, and click on the Tools/Make Compatible with Static icon in the ribbon menu for name texts and scans. Good work...