What's the meaning of LLF

Re: what the meaning of LLRF?

ammer":2g2l6f93 said:
what the meaning of LLRF? ;) ;)

Hi Ammer,

LLF is Live Load Participation Factor which defined in Turkish Seismic Code depends on purpose of using of building. It uses to calculate total storey weights.

Total weight of i'th storey is:
wi = gi + LLF * qi
gi= Total dead load at i'th storey of building
qi=Total live load at i'th storey of building

Purpose of using of buildings given to us as table on Turkish Seismic Code are:
Depot, warehouse, etc -> 0.80
School, dormitory, sport facility, cinema, theatre, concert hall, carpark, restaurant, shop, etc. -> 0.60
Residence, home, office, hotel, hospital, etc ->0.30