What are the correct way to assign th flat slab


New Member
hello friend
I got some issue while drawing and assigning the flat slab without beams
please need the correct way to do the flat slab>>>>>
Hi Ammer,

2 is fine for analysing and design and drawing.

1 may be also used to determine minimum slab thickness according to TS500's deflection check. If you know or don't worry about minimum slab tickness, you don't need to use 2.

bar direction(upper) means that bar is at top of slab section.
bar direction(under) means that bar is at bottom of slab section.

"Under+Upper" type means that straight reinforcement bars will be selected for top and bottom of slab section at once

We talked before via teamviewer and I explained online about principles of determing beamless slabs, how to design, how to draw concrete lines on beamless slabs, what the pionts you need to take care of. I guess there are still some unclear points on this matters. You may send an email to our technical service([email protected]) with your all questions if you have some more. We can answer them one by one and also we can connect to your pc if we feel need to.
hello friend Hakan
Firstly i appreciate all your efforts with me,
i was some adopt for the additional steel required at the columns area especially for the top bars,
sometimes the ideacad did not obtain the add. top bar at the columns
i will attach the file for this case