Steel Villa Analysis Error


New Member
Hello, I am getting an error that the analysis cannot be completed in the steel project I have uploaded in the attachment. I probably have a geometry error, but when I examine it, I can't notice a problem. Can you help me ? Since I can't analyze, I don't know how my sections are. I would love to hear if there are any points we can suggest as a design. There were a lot of fringes (overhangs) in the architecture, if you have different suggestions on those parts, I would be happy to hear them. Whatever it is like profile selection, connection type. Also, I threw the secondary beams under the composite floor parallel to the long direction with the hollow floor logic, do you think this is appropriate? Finally, is it possible to enter a wall load on composite flooring?
In such cases, examine your analysis system from 3D, the program shows where the error is with a huge arrow :) The elements you entered as fringes are hinged, but console. This is the reason why the system cannot be analyzed. If it were me, I would never model these small console floors, I would calculate them manually and give them as a load to the main carriers. It is good that the analysis system is simple.
Hello, thank you for your answer, of course I use the 3D screen, but that's not the problem, it still gives an error even if I delete those fringes completely, I delete the upper floor, it gives an error again, it also gives an error in the single shear plate joints that the program automatically assigns when creating the secondary beam The problem is usually caused by a modeling error made in another place, it is very difficult to find the error with the arrow there, because if we cannot detect the real problem, arrows start appearing as if it is wrong in non-erroneous places, so I am asking the forum.
Hello there; If we take a look at it in order: 1- The answer given before is correct, if the consoles are hinged in this way, which is not a suitable solution on all floors and facades, connect these eaves with a connection that transfers torque to the main elements. For example, bolted joint with head plate, column-beam butt plate stiffened joint. As you can see in the image, the column - beam should be placed in the form of bolts after the lower and upper caps in order to transfer the geometry of the butt plate stiffened joint's geometry. 2- On the 1st floor, a cross is formed 3 times in a row. You can understand this situation as follows, when you click on any element on the perspective screen, it should normally light up in purple. If it is not lit and there is no change, it means that more than one element is on top of each other. In this way, it is necessary to delete until only one element remains. You had such a situation in the diagonal on the 1st floor middle axle, it was deleted. 3- There is a conflict in the analysis model when a union is entered into the beams you have created with the single secondary beam command. For this reason, either do not join these elements or enter them with the steel beam command and then connect them with a single slip plate joint. 4- You have defined the slabs as multi-part, as if they will only come to the secondary beam column. Instead, select the outermost contour of the floor starting from a beam parallel to the secondary beams and form a closed polygon. Your floor will be formed. Then, you can create spaces where necessary with the space command in the tile menu. 5- Stair beams are not connected to any place at their lower ends on the lowest floor. Two columns were placed there. Good work.