My Project File Is Not Opening


New Member
Hello; I am using ideCAD 6 (Ver 6.0053) Version, I saved my output file (pc), then I closed the working screen and sent the file to my Flash disk, I wanted to open the file in the Flash disk for control purposes, but it gave an error, I opened the file saved on the pc, again error I tried the files registered as autosave files, it gave an error again. I have been using ide for 8 years, this is the first time I encounter such a situation. only if the file I saved on the pc is corrupted, but even its autosave file does not open. The problem only occurred in this project registered to my pc. I'm waiting for urgent help. good work
Such a situation also occurred in our office. We sent the project to ideYAPI. I think they fixed it, They will update version 6.0054 soon.
That's all I hope, I hope there will be no mishaps and the file will be fixed, I hope in the new update, the errors in this version will be fixed, I have forwarded a few of them from the branch in our city,
As we talked on the phone, 6.0054 update is about to be released. In case of an emergency, you can open the attached project and continue your work at 6.0053. Good luck with...