Dear colleague, this dome section has been a bit of a strain, the window area has almost divided the dome into two, and the cross section has lost its smoothness. Generally, the windows are planned in the lower part of the dome close to the dome rim. Thus, the dome is connected to the hoop with a homogeneous cross section. In your section, double pulleys or even 3 pulleys had to be used. The preference of the architect should be respected, but I believe that although it is possible to model this dome and provide load transitions, stress concentration will occur in section transitions. As for the answer: it should be entered as two floors and two domes, the upper region will be entered as easy, the lower region will be entered as a cut dome, and the finite elements between the two domes will be interlocked in mesh formation. I don't know if it can be cut out of jeans, But it turns out there might be a need to cut the dome. PS: if you are able to model this section, I would love to know how you did it. Best regards. G.KÖSE