Joining the truss roof to the reinforced concrete column

Hello there; There doesn't seem to be a problem with cross entry in your project. In the cross command, it is sufficient to select the multiple cross in the middle, select the top headings of the scissors and enter the number. You can also use a support joint as a joint. Good work.
Hello there; Unfortunately, it cannot be done in the interface at the moment, you must edit the drawings. The subject is in the R&D process.
hello, there are large deformations in my project that I think are caused by the combination, can you help with this? Also, Ts500 article 10.4.2 states that in continuous foundations with beams, the beam height cannot be less than 1/10 of the free span, including the plate, and the plate thickness cannot be less than 200 mm. In such foundations, it should be ensured that the beam cross-section is greater than the Vd design shear force calculated on the column face. If this cannot be achieved, the difference should be kept as small as possible. Should this check be done to save cutting in single storey structures? It appears as an error in geometry control.