Imported Architecture DWG


New Member
Hello, how do we remove the dwg drawing at the bottom after we create our project on the drawing we imported with import? I wish you good work...
Hello, if you import your dwg file as a block, you will be more comfortable in operations such as selection and migration. The imported drawing comes with its own layers. In the ideCAD layer list, external layers are separated from the others by a blue display. You can turn the blue ones on and off one by one, or you can interfere with all of the "show / unpack imported layers" tabs in the layer dialog at the same time. In multi-layer mixed drawings, it will be more beneficial in terms of control to delete the ones you do not find necessary after the import and simplify the drawing. Since the blocks will preserve their layers even if they are exploded later, display/unlock-lock/unlock operations will be performed individually or collectively from the layer list.