I need the equation of the earth pressure on walls


New Member
hi admin
i need the equation of the earth pressure on walls
i have a basement wall need to apply the earth backfill pressure...
Hi ammer,

*You can calculate soil pressure acording to TBDY 2018- Chapter:16 - title: 16.11...

*Table 16.6 you will see statical pressures (page:354)

* Dynamic effect of soil calculates according to Eq:16.18

* Water effect...Eq: 16.19/20

also you can see the related pic.
HI Mirza
thanks for your answer, it was very clear
and would you tell me the load combination for the earth pressure? or the idecad will calculate them aut.?
Acording to Turkish Standart- TS 500, you must combine soil pressure with dead and live load..
there are two combinations:

* 1,4D+1,6L+1,6H
* 0,9D+1,6H

"H" is soil pressure which you calculate manually..

in programme,
first you define H load manually,
then you define combinations...

I think this title can help you to understand how is it..

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