How to cross the 20 meter span

Hello Emre, You did not specify the height of the columns around the 20-meter span, the layout and spacing, but you can choose the main beams between the columns as a lattice or full-body H profile with a depth of about 1 meter, assuming that they are not high, are in regular layout and are not placed in large spans. The secondary beams to be placed between the main beams, the other elements necessary to ensure the stability of the roof, the roof covering system, the columns and other issues, the type of roof (crash, vault) with a large dead and live load is about this structure, which is not a typical industrial structure. , flat...), intended use, height etc. You may need to provide a little more descriptive information such as: Respects.
Thank you for your interest; We are trying to make a market place, our height starts from 3.5 meters and reaches up to 9.5 meters. The roof will be like an open navigable area. We decided to have composite flooring on the roof. The distance between the columns will be 5 meters and the distance between the two columns will be 20 meters, and it will be a structure close to rectangular in shape.
You're welcome. In fact, ideStatik v8 demo software, youtube and training on the internet, etc. You can build such a structure in Civil Eng. in a maximum of 10 minutes by watching the videos. you can easily design it. However, I'm guessing that you are an Architecture student, and for this reason, assuming the structure is in the 1st degree earthquake zone, on an average soil and under the influence of an average snow load; Considering the columns as fixed to the foundation and considering the floor vibration calculations, you can follow a choice as I mentioned for the main beam in the first answer letter, and consider a 0.8 meter deep solid-body H profile for the columns (I write "H" because the font does not make the letter "I" a headline). ). The total concrete thickness of the composite floor can be 10cm and the secondary beams can be IPE270. As far as I understand from what you have told, a system like the attached screenshot can be created. Respects.
I'm studying in civil engineering, but I haven't taken a steel structures course yet. I have been using İdecad for a long time and I tried the way you said. Although I made HE 1000 A column and HE 1000 M beams, there is no problem in terms of deflection, but the beams are insufficient in terms of strength. I have determined the structure I will build as exactly the 1st earthquake zone ductility in both directions, normal soil behavior class z3 soil safety stress 15 structure importance factor 1.5.
The value of 450kg/m² that you specify as the coating load is the concrete, sheet metal, reinforcement, etc. that make up the composite floor covering, excluding the steel beams. the elements contain their own dead load, right? If so, taking into account the last information you provided; Roughly HEB600 (S275) for columns, HEB1000 (S275) for main beams, and IPE240 (S275) profile for composite secondary beams to be placed at 2 meters intervals, if average stud, slab sheet (able to carry loads at pre-composite stage at 2 meters span) and concrete properties are selected, then IPE240 (S275) profile is sufficient. . In this case, the ap/g value is approximately 0.57%, which is quite sufficient for this type of structure. While you were modeling the beams in the structure, could the default wall loads be left on them? Maybe that's why they don't seem like enough. Also, taking the value of 1.5 as the building importance coefficient was open to evaluation. Respects.
Thank you again for the information you have given, but I still have not been able to carry the load on these sections, most likely I am making a mistake somewhere, I checked the wall load and it says 0. We tried to approximate everything you said for 0.45 ton/m2 and found this value. If you have a work file you have made and share it with me, I would be very happy. is my e-mail address. Thank you very much in advance. The building to be built is a structure that will keep many people on the carrier system both for a short time and for a long time, so we found it appropriate to take such a value.
Hello there; I reviewed your project. In your project, the steel design is made according to TS 648. If you select AISC 360-10 ASD or AISC 360-10 LRFD from the analysis settings, the steel structure design made according to the American regulation and the newly published Design, Calculation and Construction Principles of Steel Structures yields more meaningful sections. You can compare the results when you change the regulation from the analysis settings. It is also possible to reduce the sections you have modeled. Best regards
In my previous message, I wrote S275 by mistake for the material quality for HEB600 and HEB1000 and it will be S355. In your model, as Oğuzcan said, the design regulation is ASD (AISC 360-10), the quality of the profiles as S275 for IPE270 and S355 for HEB600 and HEB1000, as I mentioned, the carrier system behavior coefficients R(X)=5 and R(Y)=4. You need to change the build type to "moment transfer frame". Respects.
Thank you, when I changed the regulation, it was solved, but I couldn't find how to change the column material. I can make reinforced concrete, but I couldn't find where it is in steel.