Have a nice day; I calculated the masonry load for a 19 cm brick; The density of 19 cm brick is 800 kg/m3 in the municipality's chart, Weight = 0.19 x 800 = 152 kg/m2, for a wall height of 2.5 meters, the wall load is 152 x 2.5 = 380 kg/m, beam load for 25/50 beams, 0.25 x 0.50 x 2500(kg/m3 concrete density) = 312.5 kg/m, 19 cm brick wall load for beams becomes 312.5 + 380 = 692.5 kg/m = 0.69 tf/m, is the wall load excluding plaster calculated like this, Can you correct me if I'm wrong? The wall load defined for 19 cm brick in IDE 7 is 0.8 tf/m excluding plaster. Can you give information on what this difference is due to?