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6.0051 Version gives faulty reinforcement drawings in raft foundation drawings. Since I have upgraded to the new version, I am supposedly wishing that my projects will be faster and more practical, but I encounter meaningless problems. My projects that I need to train are running very slowly, I am trying to find faults in projects and drawings. The 6.0051 version cannot be transferred to the drawing as it calculates. As a concrete example, the project I modeled in the 5.511 version is drawn correctly in 5.511, while the 6.0051 version draws incorrectly. Below I am adding a simple sample project modeled with both versions. Another problem I encountered is; In the calculation outputs of the 6.0012......6.0051 versions, everything goes well in the project, but when I get the project report (account summary report), a red mark appears, especially in the line of beam shear, curtain shear safety error. not, it is not found in the search.. There is no error in the project, but there are conflicting error reports in the reports..