I would like to share with you two mistakes I noticed in İdecad. Is there something I am misunderstanding? First of all, in rib (more precisely, cassette flooring) designs, I usually take the width of the main tooth as 10 cm, and the width of the transverse tooth, which should be placed after 4 meters, is 15 cm, for example N101 (10-15/32). However, although the program correctly takes and calculates the width of 15 cm transverse teeth in mold plan drawings and calculation reports, it draws these 15 cm transverse teeth as 10 cm in cassette tooth openings. I'm not correcting these drawings but it looks ridiculous. So where does this error come from? The 2nd one gets the mesh generation procedure wrong when preparing the finite element mesh of two screens with different heights, or rather the panel object. Ok, I understand that the program automatically creates a mesh with quad elements according to the height of the screen, but between the two intersecting screens, at least the degrees of freedom in the intersection line (contact region) must be assigned a rigid connection. Since the program does not do this, the two intersecting panel objects move independently of each other, which should not be the case, because the degrees of freedom corresponding to the close or overlapping nodal points on the intersection line of the two curtains are equal degrees of freedom and must move together. In short, two intersecting curtain objects with different heights work independently of each other. As a result, faulty mass and stiffness matrices lead to different internal forces and reinforcement design. I'm doing the solution of this manually, but such an ambitious and beautiful program should not have such a big shortcoming. I'm not sure about the first of these observations, but the program in the second item makes mistakes every time.