Mr. muvayapı, I was not available, but Mr. Sarıdurmuş answered your question below and my knowledge is in that direction so far.
Thank you Mr. Mirza, when you say to the team that prepared the ground survey, should a different team prepare the report or should we prepare a joint report together with the project author, civil engineer, geologist and geophysicist? As far as I know, in the new regulation, the ground survey should be prepared in two parts as data report and geotechnical report. I perceived the calculations in the geotechnical report section as the responsibility of us, the project author, civil engineers. What is your opinion on this?
However, although the project production process has already stopped due to the chaotic writing language of the specification, what I will do is; would be to be actively involved in geotechnical controls affecting the project. Episode 16 is unfortunately quite incomplete. In many places, reference is made to the literature, limit values, related relations, etc. are not given. This will lead to serious discussions between the control mechanisms and the project authors. For example: Nc, Nq Ny equations in the bearing capacity relation.... The Nc value is undefined for fi=0. In the literature, Meyerhof, Terzaghi got 5.70, while Hansen vesic got 5.14.. In the control mechanisms where 1-2 MPa bearing capacity is discussed, this gap is quite large. will be discussed. Like why did you get 5.70. Factors such as s, b, i, d... terzaghi does not have all of them, meyerhof is different, hansen is different... there is a limitation for the floor settlement calculation, but what is this limit? how to calculate, no answer... it is said to refer to the literature. The Rpk value asked by Mr. Huseyin for the horizontal shear calculation is not in the regulation... there is also a plain expression in the literature (Mr. 2m project wrote) combined with dynamic effects... Calculation of the pressures acting on the basement curtains... trapeze loading will not be done, properly spread It was said that water pressure will act as a triangle as far as we know, but an equation called water force is given and we understand that it is not a triangle and I do not understand why it was necessary to convert it into force for water when calculating the pressure for the ground. As you can see (perhaps because I'm not a geotechnical), the specification writers said "don't expect everything from the government, bro" for this chapter as in other chapters... I don't want to make it too long, but a study containing criticisms to TBDY 2018.... will be eye-opening. good work, best regards.Geology and Geophysics engineer will prepare the data report. Geotechnical expert İnş. Eng.