Hello everyone, There was a model in the program that we could not solve the relative floor drift. I realized that I did not specify the stair support conditions while making this model. Later, I used the fixed support option while bracing. When I did this, the program deleted the relative floor error and found the project too rigid. 4/5 R should be applied error. In a 6 flats (2 duplex) residence, can fixing the ladder with a fixed floor solve the relative floor drift that I couldn't solve even though I used 5 curtains? How much can I trust this project? In the earthquake report, the relative floor values dropped to almost 0. If the same calculation was made in the previous projects that we solved with a fixed support, who will take responsibility for this? In addition, the thickness of the foundation in the project is now 30 cm. When I want to make the foundation 40 or 50 cm, I get the error that the reinforcement is insufficient. Could it be such nonsense? Do I have to make the foundation 30 cm? Basically, even if you use 32 iron, I get the error of insufficient reinforcement. In fact, I made 50-60 cm, and the reinforcement spacing had decreased to 7 cm. Dear colleagues, this is my first post. I hope I didn't violate forum rules. Thanks in advance. :roll: