Hello, Actually, this is a topic that has been on my mind for a long time, but I could not find the opportunity to write it. I think some improvements can be made about text and formatting, which are tools that haven't changed much since it was first added. Although it is not a priority issue, I think there are various difficulties in adding text to the layouts and changing their content, especially for people who make drawings with ideCAD and do not want to use an additional program such as AutoCAD. 1. To change the text, I think it would be more practical to enter the edit menu when double-clicking on it, rather than right-clicking or choosing "Change Text" from the menu. Personally, since I use the ctrl+E shortcut a lot, I think the text features are easily accessible. 2. I think it would be better if the Format Text tool could work with a little more "Text Box" logic. When we first click on the command, instead of just specifying the writing angle, it would be very useful if we set a rectangular area and automatically skips a line while typing in that area. 3. In addition to the absence of lines around the defined area in the Format Text tool, settings such as line type, thickness, spacing and line color can be made. This feature can even be added to a single line "posts". Thank you in advance, I wish you good work.