Writing stirrups and crossties on the column application


New Member
The friends who control the project want to write the number of stirrups and crossties on the column application. It can be displayed as follows or in a different way. They always have the same problem with the foundation beams. They want the total number of stirrups to be written in the stirrup expansion of these beams. If you help in this matter, you will save us from a great burden. Good luck with.
Hello, As you know, the number of stirrups (the number of all reinforcements) is given as a reinforcement table on each drawing sheet. In addition, the number of stirrups in beam, rib/cassette and continuous foundation expansions are given by showing their length on the relevant beam. However, it follows from your message that this information is not sufficient for inspectors in your area. Your request has been noted, thank you. Good work...