Why is modeling wrong by entering columns at the curtain ends?

Ismail Hakki Besler

Because earthquake code does not allow modeling in this way and modeling in this way does not reflect the curtain behavior. Made In Chapter 7, the wall end zones defined for the reinforced concrete design of the wall section are like columns, while the body region between them is very rigid. Slip frame models where it is modeled like a beam will not be used for shears.
The difference between TDY 2007 and TBDY2018 is shown in the appendix. Question: In TDY 2007, we were creating expanded sections by inserting columns into the end regions. However, 2018 has banned it in the article you mentioned. Is the representation in Figure 7.11 (the figures given in the image) incorrect? Is there a conflict between the text of the regulation and its visual? How should we understand? Note: I have previously informed the ide support team, while article (b) of the regulation is written bw/3 for the end zone stirrup spacing, bw/2 in Figure 7.11. shown as. Is there an error similar to this?
No, you won't be stuck. You will mark these curtains as a group. They are all curtains in the same direction anyway. There is no such requirement for group curtains. Or you will ask the people who prepared the regulation how to do it.
You are right, Mr. İsmail, we need to ask those who prepared the regulation, and if we could, there are many questions to ask, but unfortunately we have not been able to reach them for weeks. They neither look at their e-mails nor on their phones.