Why does it come out so big?


New Member
Why is the nki value 32.55 in this project? The building importance coefficient was taken as 1.5. Could it have something to do with it? Is the reason for choosing the R coefficient correct? ? Thank you from now...
Hello, *nki values (B2 irregularity) are large because there are perimeter curtains in the basement and the floor is not considered rigid. *It is correct to take the R coefficient of 8 in the High Ductile system since there is no continuous curtain on all floors except for the basement floor curtains. Project identification and suggestions; *There is a problem in the formation of flooring on the basement floor. The floors are placed on the perimeter curtains at the -50 cm elevation. Delete the tiles and create them again. *When defining the perimeter curtains under the beam, it is appropriate to deactivate the -divide by intersections- command in the panel auxiliary toolbar so that the objects at the upper level do not divide the panel. *It is recommended to define the reinforcement axes of the D5 slab, for which the stair gap is defined, as in the basement floor in the sample project. Good work
The answer I got from the special provincial administration... They say that the Nki value is only around 32 in residences. I can not tell.
B2-Rigidity irregularity between adjacent floors, that is, nki value is any i. It is the average relative story drift ratio at the floor divided by the average relative story drift ratio at an upper or a lower story. If a floor has very little displacement compared to the other floor, this value should be expected to be large. In your project, there are rigid curtains in the basement that are not on the upper floor. In this case, the average reduced relative floor offset value of the basement floor is very small compared to the upper floor. Notes; *In the example I added to the message, the nki value is max 16.02. *A1 and B2 Types Irregularities are the irregularities related to the reason for choosing the calculation method. There is no need to check for these irregularities when Dynamic Analysis is performed. (TDY article
"alpha":2b1hc2fy" said:
The answer I got from the provincial administration... They say that the Nki value is only around 32 in residences. I can't explain it.
Between the floor with many curtains and the next floor, the Nki value is always high. The fact that this value is so large indicates that the floor is rigid.No matter what the Nki value comes out, since it is applied at "5% eccentric" in all cases and the analysis is made with the "mode combining method", you are exempt from B2 irregularity... Good work. ...
"alfa":1kfu5khl" said:
the answer I got from the provincial administration... They say that the Nki value is only around 32 in residences. I can't explain it.
Even in a two-storey building, nki can go up to 32. There are curtains on the ground floor and the curtains go up to the second floor. if it does not continue.