Where is item checked in the report?


New Member
Good work guys. According to TBDY 2018 article, all the earthquake effects in beamless floors must be covered by the shears. Where and how can we check whether this condition is met in the program or in the account reports.
Re: Article Where is the control checked in the report
"acgyapi":27i6txbk" said:
Good work guys.According to TBDY 2018 article, all the earthquake effects in beamless floors must be covered by the shears. Where and how can we check whether the condition is met in the program or in the calculation reports.
In case of selecting the "Beamless Slab(Mushroom)" option on the slab type page of the TBDY Analysis settings wizard in systems with beamless slabs, item is automatically applied in the program. General information of construction - The Loads and Combinations report lists the combinations where the columns are hinged and therefore the earthquake effects are met by the walls.
Thanks. In accordance with this article, is the project that I have shared the link below designed correctly? Would it be wrong to break up the tiles in this way? There is an error in the curtain group bending design in the report. How can I fix? Also, do you have any recommendations about the project?
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"unver":6zxryrv1" said:
"acgyapi":6zxryrv1" said:
Do you also have any advice about the project?
This kind of error in RERDE GROUP BEND DESIGN when you group curtains If so, untie the curtains without grouping The proposed project is attached. Unver ÖZCAN
Hello; Definitely do not make such a solution, this and similar approaches are solutions against the regulation. In the capacity design approach, the capacity calculation of individual curtains and the capacity calculation of group curtains are made according to different approaches. In case of insufficient capacity, you can reduce the capacity ratio below 1 by manually increasing the group curtain reinforcements. It is our expectation from the building that the design of curtains and other elements can be made automatically in the following versions, taking into account the capacities. As a suggestion, if you are not using it, use V10.17, it contains improvements in this regard. Best regards. Sent via iPhone using Tapatalk
"unver":3au4olra" said:
If there is such an error in the RERDE GROUP BEND DESIGN when you group the curtains, solve the curtains without grouping them.
Hello The reason I am writing this suggestion: In some projects, the program gives such an error when the group curtains. I first reported a project similar to this situation to Mr. İsmail Hakkı BESLER. He explained the situation to R&D. When I gave C30 in the project I reported, it gave an error like here. We can't use C20, but I wrote it for you to see the situation.) My aim here is to find a solution to the project Ünver ÖZCAN NOTE: After this stage, I am waiting for comments from IdeCAD officials on what to do about this issue.
Hello there; Of course, reducing the concrete class will be effective in some limit situations. As you know, balanced fracture condition is aimed by placing tensile reinforcement corresponding to the compressive strength of the section in reinforced concrete sections. If the concrete class is reduced, the required reinforcement area will also decrease, so the target capacity ratio can be achieved. For this reason, I said that you can reach the solution by manually increasing the reinforcement. It can be solved both ways if possible. I think that the ide structure will definitely make a comprehensive technical explanation of the subject. Best regards.
Do not solve separately, definitely solve the polygon Reducing the concrete strength is only related to the minimum reinforcement in the beams. Do not decrease the concrete quality Enlarge the curtain header areas Increase the header area reinforcement area
hello sir unver I have given the following answer to the question you asked about the beams by e-mail. The minimum reinforcement ratio in beams varies depending on the concrete and steel quality. In the project, the reinforcements are locked in the beams. In most beams, the existing reinforcement is 3.08 cm2. When C25 is selected, the required reinforcement is 2.94 cm2 +0.14 cm. I have answered your question about the Polgon curtain as follows Here is a special case for this project. We are looking at the arge. I'll let you know when it's done. Thanks
"Ismail Hakki Besler":1r70g5c6" said:
Do not solve separately, definitely solve the polygon Reducing the concrete strength is only about the minimum reinforcement. Do not reduce the concrete quality Do not reduce the concrete quality Enlarge the curtain cap areas Increase the reinforcement area in the header area
Thank you İsmail Bey
"Ismail Hakki Besler":3gecgxg5" said:
Do not solve separately, definitely solve polygons /quote] Thanks İsmail Bey, when he used the amount of reinforcement in the basement and the length of the headboard, it decreased below 1.
Dear 2m project; "In case of insufficient capacity, you can reduce the capacity ratio below 1 by manually increasing the group curtain reinforcements." you said. Thanks to you too. Unver, I made the places where I need to separate the floors according to your proposal project. Since it is the main entrance of the building, I cannot make curtains behind the stairs. Thanks...
Good Morning Friends... Again, I cannot define the sub-basement curtains related to the same project. The basement curtains, which I defined by giving an upper level of -1 m, spoil the basement floor. (Picture 1) When I delete the floor and define the curtains first, the floor is formed incorrectly. (Picture 2) I think it is due to the overlap of the floor edge-curtain. But in fact, since there is -1 m upper level on the screen, it should not overlap. How can I solve it? I would be glad if you help.
It is necessary to pay attention that the slab edges create a closed area. First, wipe the existing floors, define the basement curtains. Check the floor edges. Then you can place your tiles. Attached is your project for which data entry was made with a negative 1 m upper level basement curtain wall.
Hello Mr. Hakan... Although I did what you said in the project I sent below, it didn't work. In the project I changed, the floor tiles are three pieces. In the project I shared on the forum about this before, the tiles were five pieces. I don't know if it's because of that. It would be greatly appreciated if you add the sub-basement curtains to the project below and send them. Thanks...
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"acgyapi":7vmxpb5r" said:
Hello Mr.Hakan... It didn't work even though I did what you said in the project I posted below. In the project I changed, the floor tiles were three pieces. In the project I shared on the forum before, the floors were five pieces. It would be greatly appreciated if you would add and send the basement curtains to the project.Thanks...
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[quote ="acgyapi":7vmxpb5r"]Thank you very much Mr. Hakan... I still can't do it. :D[/quote] You can do it if you follow the steps below. 1. Open your project whose link you have given. (İdestatic Subasman1.cde)
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2. D2 on the 1st basement floor and delete the D1 tiles. 3. Click the Curtain command. Give the upper elevation value -1 meter from the Curtain Settings. 4. Click CS12, S4, in order, adjust the pitch and pitch offset, click the columns S1, CS5 to enter the pitch. (Finish in the upper left corner of CS5. Since the column is a polygon, we want to continue from the other corner) 5. Then click the curtain command again, click the lower left corner of CS5, complete the curtain definition in CS9 and finally in CS12. 6. Click on the slab, make sure the slab level is zero. 7. Redefine the tiles as in the project you sent me. If you still can't, call our Bursa office and we can show you how to do it remotely.