What is the earthquake force on any axis?


New Member
Hello, how can I find out how much the earthquake force shown in the analysis reports for my project, which I modeled and analyzed, is on any axis. The total force applied to the floor is known, what are the earthquake forces acting from the x direction for the BB axis section I selected? (can we distribute it using rigidity?)
Hello, First of all, the structure is modeled in 3D in the IdeSTATİK program and the solution is made with the dynamic analysis method. Therefore, it would not be correct to talk about the horizontal force of the floor and the earthquake force acting on the frame. In addition, it is not correct to distribute the end forces only according to the element stiffnesses in dynamic analysis. In the column and wall reinforced concrete dialogs, you can find the total shear force on that axis by examining the element end forces according to the Global Results in the Force reinforcement areas tab and summing the shear forces in the relevant direction.