Re: What is Flexible, Semi-Rigid and Rigid Diaphragm? Hello; First of all, let me introduce myself, ideYAPI AŞ. I am working as an R&D and Technical Support Engineer in the team. The R&D team is a crowded team under the management of Mr. İsmail and consists of Civil Engineers and Software engineers. Mr. İsmail ( İsmail Hakkı BESLER ideYAPI Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors) has been working on the 'Finite Element Method' for 35 years since 1982, and thanks to these studies, ideCAD software products have made great progress and reached their current state. R&D studies continue under the supervision of our advisors from ITU. Our software products use the same analysis methods and have similar facilities as worldwide programs such as SAP2000, Etabs. Having a local structural analysis program and continuing to work with a team open to developments; at the same time, it is thanks to the feedback, guidance and useful criticisms and technical documents from the users. As a return to our transparent structure in information sharing, we expect you to share your information as well, only making use of ready-made information will not improve you and us. It is not correct to see the aforementioned 'Finite Element Method' and 'Shell Theory' as methods for determining stiffnesses, forces or displacements with just a few simple four operations, or for easily designing slabs. There are many theses and articles published around the world until they reach their current state, and with the process of adapting them to the regulations, they have been made available to engineers practically. Before the practical application, it is important for the engineers to have a grasp of the general logic, in terms of the accuracy, controllability and reliability of their design. For this reason, there are sample publications from studies for both theory and practical engineering applications below.
- When analyzing the structure (static, dynamic, linear and nonlinear), the diaphragm analytical model is created in accordance with the 'Finite Element Method - Shell Theory'. - 'Linear and Nonlinear Analysis' for the 'Shell Theory' described in the visuals For this purpose, how to obtain stiffness matrices and how to use the thickness, size and material parameters of the flooring is available. These images are taken from the pages after page 57 of the ideCAD Finite Elements Manual. You can find the full guide at the link below.
ideCAD Finite Element Elements Guide :
Apart from the above sources, many documents can be found when a simple research is done on the internet. Regarding this subject, first of all, it is necessary to know the theoretical knowledge and general logic about Finite Element Method and Shell Theory. There are many publications in Turkish on this subject. You can find the books of the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers and the Chamber of Civil Engineers, the books of the universities and the lecture notes. I do not share the links to the books because they contain publisher and sales information. You can obtain it by searching the publications of the Chamber of Civil Engineers on the Finite Element Method. 1) Yıldız Technical University -
2) Chamber of Mechanical Engineers -
3) Chamber of Civil Engineers - Istanbul Branch -
Commonly searched for are FEMA, NEHRP Seismic Design, PEER publications. Apart from these, there are additional documents created for engineers by AISC and EUROCODE regulations. These documents describe practical applications for design engineers. Some of the links are below. 1) NEHRP -
2) NEHRP -
3) American Wood Council -
4) UBC -
5) UBC -
6) For nonlinear analysis -
We hope the information and publications we provide will be useful. Good work.