What does the Earthquake Code 6.1.3 Article mean?

Ismail Hakki Besler

6.1.3 If the weight of the non-structural element or equipment is greater than 10 percent of the total weight of the floor in which it is located, the element or equipment will be considered as part of the building structural system. In this case, mass of element or hardware and stiffness properties of connection to building will be taken into account in the earthquake calculation of the building carrier system. 1) It is obvious that the mass of the element or hardware should be taken into account in the carrier system calculation according to its location. ( ideCAD takes this into account and adds the mass of the element or equipment to the carrier system calculation) 2) The connection of the element or equipment to the building It is obvious that the stiffness properties should also be taken into account in the calculation of the carrier system. This sentence refers to the connection of the element and equipment or the wall to the building. Someone explain to me how they can deduce from this sentence that the walls themselves should be included in the calculation of the DGT carrier system. I talked about this issue with my professors from ITU as well, and they did not express their opinion that the walls themselves should be included in the system according to their strength. However, it is obvious that non-bearing walls are included in the system calculation in SGTD, that is, nonlinear time history and pushover analysis, and how they will be included. In the section of the calculation of relative storey drifts (a) In case of brittle or non-void infill walls and facade elements are completely adjacent to the frame elements, without any flexible joints or connections between them: the maximum relative storey hoteling is allowed as 0.008 in reinforced concrete buildings (b) Brittle In case of flexible joints between infill walls and frame elements made of material, connecting the facade elements with flexible connections to the outer frames, or if the infill wall element is independent from the frame: the maximum relative floor offset is allowed as 0.016 in reinforced concrete buildings. If you make flexible joints, two times more relative floor offsets are allowed. been done. In this case, the following sanction has been imposed: However, in this case, in-plane horizontal displacement capacities of jointed infill wall elements, flexible infill wall elements and flexible connected facade elements provide the limit value given in Eq.(4.34b) [color=# [/color] will be documented experimentally according to FF0000]1.4. An example flexible joint application for infill walls is given in Annex 4C. 1.4. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN In cases where there are not sufficient calculation models, a large number of similar components are used, or in experimental studies to verify the assumptions used in the design, the principles given in TS EN 1990 Annex D or equivalent international rules will be taken into account, and the certification procedures will be according to 1.2.3. will be done. 1.2.3 According to this Regulation, buildings designed under the influence of earthquakes, in terms of material and workmanship conditions, Turkish Standards and General Technical Specification of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Construction Materials Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 10.07.2013 and numbered 28703, dated 26.06.2009 and the Regulation on the Criteria to be Subject to Construction Materials published in the Official Gazette numbered 27270.
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean?
"Ismail Hakki Besler":2147nn9c" said:
6.1.3 If the weight of the non-structural element or equipment is greater than 10 percent of the total weight of the floor, element or hardware will be considered as part of the building carrier system
Since it is called element here, it is also used in non-structural architectural elements and walls are also included. There is an opinion in our municipality that it should be accepted as a part of the system and the wall-curtain/column interaction should be taken into account. Otherwise, as you said, it already participates in modal masses and is used in the analysis of wall masses and earthquakes. I think there is a problem with the interpretation here, but it is also a mystery how to overcome it.
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean?
"MrtGrsl":x6awi5ng" said:
"Ismail Hakki Besler":x6awi5ng" said:
6.1.3 Weight of non-structural element or equipment If it is greater than 10 percent of the total weight of the floor where it is located, element or hardware will be considered as part of the building carrier system.
There is an opinion in our municipality that since it is called an element here, it should be considered as a part of the load-bearing system and the wall-curtain/column interaction should be taken into account, since both non-structural architectural elements and walls are included. It is used in earthquake analysis. I think there is a problem with the interpretation here, but it is not clear how to overcome it.
This item does not say to take into account the element, namely the wall. It says to take into account the stiffness properties of the wall's connection to the building. In the first part of the sentence, it says that it will be considered as a part of the carrier system. In the second part of the sentence, what to do in this situation is explained. The article is exactly as follows 6.1.3 If the weight of the non-structural element or equipment is greater than 10 percent of the total weight of the floor where it is located, the element or equipment will be considered as a part of the building carrier system. In this case, the mass of the element or equipment and the stiffness properties of its connection to the building will be taken into account in the earthquake calculation of the building carrier system. In the second part of the sentence, he does not mention himself while emphasizing that both the mass and the detail of the connection must be taken into account. Anyway, the logic of this business is this; The regulation makes calculations according to the DD2 standard earthquake. The walls are projected to be free of damage in the DD3 and DD4 earthquakes, which are smaller and more frequent than this DD2 earthquake. It is not foreseen that the walls will not be damaged in the DD2 earthquake. Therefore, it would not be a correct approach to add the walls in the DGT calculation in a way that would contribute positively to the system stiffness in the DD2 earthquake.
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of the Earthquake Code mean? Then, we consider that we add the stiffness properties of the connection by limiting it to the relative storey drifts, then?
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean? Please see APPENDIX4 C. If you separate the walls with flexible joints, the following rules will apply. In this case, based on experimentation according to 1.4, the in-plane horizontal displacement capacities of jointed infill wall elements, flexible infill wall elements and flexible connected facade elements provide the limit value given in Eq.(4.34b). will be documented. An example flexible joint application for infill walls is given in Annex 4C. 1.4. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN In cases where there are not sufficient calculation models, a large number of similar components are used, or in experimental studies to verify the assumptions used in the design, the principles given in TS EN 1990 Annex D or equivalent international rules will be taken into account, and the certification procedures will be according to 1.2.3. will be done. 1.2.3 According to this Regulation, buildings designed under the influence of earthquakes, in terms of material and workmanship conditions, Turkish Standards and General Technical Specification of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Construction Materials Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 10.07.2013 and numbered 28703, dated 26.06.2009 and the Regulation on the Criteria to be Subject to Construction Materials published in the Official Gazette numbered 27270.
Re: What does Earthquake Code 6.1.3 mean? I'm talking about the jointless situation. If we do it with joints, the calculations we mentioned are not required.
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean? It may be desired to show that the flexible joint will hold in the earthquake of DD2 Design and that this joint has this strength, so as to prevent it from tipping over outside the plane of the wall.
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean?
"MrtGrsl":3p59ccxi" said:
I'm talking about the jointless situation. You don't need to do this. The 2018 earthquake code doesn't want this. If you do it with joints, these calculations need to be requested. Because only in this case is it possible to talk about a connection. What kind of connection do you envision between the column or curtain and the wall when you make the wall jointless. You make the wall without joints and make it a cross or plate element Do you expect to reduce the relative floor drifts by adding to the system stiffness.
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean?
"Ismail Hakki Besler":1r6uoyuc" said:
"MrtGrsl":1r6uoyuc" said:
I'm talking about the jointless situation.
You don't need to make such calculations in case of jointless situation. The 2018 earthquake code does not want this. If you make the actual joint, these calculations need to be requested. Because only in this case it is possible to talk about a link.
I meant that an extra account is not required since we will show that this has already been proven experimentally. You say that it is sufficient to take into account the masses in the jointless case and that this has already been done (we already know this), right? So what can be done for the earthquake force calculation in chapter 6?
Re: What does the Earthquake Code 6.1.3 Article mean? We will make the earthquake force calculation in Chapter 6 dynamically and add it in future updates. This calculator can be used in the joint (connection) calculation of equipment or wall.
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean? Thanks, I hope we can reach the conclusion after these explanations. Good work.
Re: What does the Earthquake Code 6.1.3 Article mean? Hello, as Mr. İsmail mentioned; "6.1.3 If the weight of the non-structural element or equipment is greater than 10 percent of the total weight of the floor in which it is located, the element or equipment shall be considered as a part of the building structural system. In this case, the mass of the element or equipment and the stiffness properties of its connection to the building shall be determined by the building structural system. It will be taken into account in the earthquake calculation." What I understand from the non-structural element that will be controlled with 10% of the floor weight here, is each piece of wall between the columns, it is an incorrect approach to compare the total weight of the walls in the floor with the weight of the floor. will be. Therefore, it is obvious that in a standard construction, each wall piece will not meet the 10% requirement. Calculation of walls may only be required for Masonry Roofs. In addition, I think that considering the wall parts between the columns in earthquake calculations with various approaches will leave us on the unsafe side. Best regards.
Re: What does the 6.1.3 Article of Earthquake Regulation mean? Forgive those who want this control for partition walls in ordinary buildings, but I guess they are unemployed. Come on, I get it, you want these controls in the building where the whole floor is used as a mechanical floor and where there is heavy equipment, but what is it to want this for walls in an ordinary building? Let's be a little realistic, for God's sake. This is nothing but making work for ourselves. If it were up to me, I would add this control to the software if everything ends and there is nothing to do :) Since İsmail Bey is an idealist, he tries to understand every request.
4.3 * 6.5 I get the relative floor drift problem in the 2 storey and 6 columns beamed villa on the 37.5 m2 ze class floor with balconies on the upper floor with a 28 m2 floor and a floor drift problem at 0.008 jointless control, isn't it absurd? I will increase the rigidity of what, there are already 6 columns in 28 m2. I wonder if anyone has applied the flexible connection of these brick walls without being rigid, what kind of things and what kind of controls should be done?
Re: What does Article 6.1.3 of Earthquake Regulation mean?
"2m project":2yt454s2" said:
Hi, as İsmail Bey mentioned; "6.1.3 Non-structural element or hardware If its weight is greater than 10 percent of the total weight of the floor it is in, the element or equipment will be considered as a part of the building carrier system. In this case, the mass of the element or equipment and the stiffness properties of its connection to the building will be taken into account in the earthquake calculation of the building carrier system." What I understand from the non-structural element to be controlled with 10% of the floor weight here is is each piece of wall between the columns, It would be an erroneous approach to compare the total weight of the walls on the floor with the weight of the floors. Therefore, it is obvious that each piece of wall in a standard building will not meet the 10% requirement. Calculation of the walls may only be required for Masonry Lofts In addition, I think that considering the wall parts between the columns in earthquake calculations with various approaches will leave us on the unsafe side. Sincerely.
I agree. It is necessary to compare the relevant wall or element with the mass of one floor one by one. Because it says "weight of element and hardware". If all walls and equipments, they should have used the plural suffix. it is difficult for the island outer walls to exceed this rate. It is not clear whether the weight of columns and curtains will be added to the weight of the floors.